Lecture 9: Character Strengths of Temperance & Transcendence: Self-regulation, Hope, Gratitude, Wisdom

As one of the character strengths of temperance, self-regulation can also be referred to as self-control or self-discipline.  The expressions of self-regulation and its constructs refer to how a person exerts control over his or her impulses and behaviour so as to pursue their goals while maintaining their moral standards.  It can also mean a rhythm of life that facilitates self-efficacy (Bandura, 1999).  “Delay of gratification constitutes an important paradigm of self-regulation,” implying that a person with self-regulation is able to resist the temptation to choose an immediate, small reward in order to obtain a larger benefit, even if the latter was delayed (Peterson & Seligman, 2004, p.500).

I am a highly disciplined person.
I can always stay on a diet.
I can always say “enough is enough.”

“Hope, optimism, future-mindedness, future-orientation represent a cognitive, emotional, and motivational stance towards the future” (Peterson & Seligman, 2004, p.570).  In more precise terms, this stance […]

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