Pastoral care of the family in the light of sound psychology

Moral philosophers and theologians argue that the human family is governed by natural law.  While philosophers might rationally argue for this, theologians resort to revelation. In theologians’ understanding human family is part of the plan of God.  Can scientific psychology provide some empirical evidence for “the natural law” argument? If yes, how could psychology enhance the pastoral care of families today? The aim of the present conceptual paper is to offer some contemporary evidence from evolutionary psychology and neurobiology to suggest that, after all, the human brain may be hire-wired for the family. It will go on to reflect on the role of the family in the growth of a Christian in the light some emerging insights from psychology.   The later part of the paper will focus on the association between individuals’ […]

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Familia na Vijana

Sahaya G. Selvam, SDB
Kuwawezesha Vijana Kujenga Familia za Kikristu
“Kizazi hiki kimepotea. Vijana wa siku hizi hawana msimamo.  Kuna mmomonyoko wa maadili….” Haya ndiyo malalamiko tunayosikia kutoka kwa watu wazima.  Ukweli ni kwamba, tuwaleavyo vijana ndivyo wakuavyo! Hali ya vijana wa siku hizi ni matokeo ya hali ya familia zetu.  Na hali ya familia zetu si ya kujivunia.
Padre Shorter, mtaalamu wa mambo ya kijamii na kitamaduni, analalamika, “Katika jamii za Afrika siku hizi, mfumo wa familia umeathiriwa na mabadiliko ya kijamii na kimila.  Taratibu za jando na unyago zimeanza kupotea. Malezi kuhusu maisha ya kifamilia hayatolewi nyumbani wala shuleni.  Hivyo, vijana wamepoteza msimamo wao, nao kujiingiza katika mapenzi ovyo.” (African Culture: An Overview, 1998, p.95)
Mimi naamini kwamba ili kugeuza hali ya familia zetu kuna njia moja tu: inatubidi tuanze na vijana wetu.  Ingawa wengi wao wanatokea familia zilizobomoka, wanaweza kuzuia hali hii isiendelee zaidi.  Wanahitaji kuwezeshwa kuamua […]

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