33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C
The Day of the Lord (Lk 21:5-19)
I was rushing in the streets of London to catch a bus to college. Two young men accosted me in a rather friendly manner. I was almost near the bus stop, so I stopped by to listen to them. They showed me a picture of a beautiful garden – a classical scene from the Garden of Eden! “Would you like the world to be like this?” They asked. I immediately guessed that they were members of a sect or something. I came up with my answer quite spontaneously and quickly, “It is already like this; after all, the world is good.” They were somewhat surprised by my unexpected answer. They didn’t know how to proceed on with the conversation. They didn’t want to give up […]
Year C
Year C Sunday Sermons
Sermon for 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C
He is the God of Life (Lk 20:27-38)
One of the things I enjoyed most during my four-year stay in Europe was the change through the four seasons of the year. It is autumn in the Northern hemisphere now. The sidewalks would be filled with dry leaves. The leaves still left on the trees would exhibit motley of colours. The Americans call this season, ‘the fall’. The fall, is it a sign of death or life? I ask myself this question every time I see a falling leaf. This question is more meaningful even as we keep the memory of our departed brothers and sisters in this month of November.
The liturgy of the word on this Sunday, even as we near the end of the liturgical year, invites us to contemplate on the mystery […]
Sermon for 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
The story of Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1-10)
Salvation: experience of justification of the righteous in the presence of Jesus
“I was a drunkard, but then one day I met Jesus, and I gave up drinking. Now I serve the Lord.” “I was not a believer, but then one day I met Jesus, and now my faith is unshakable.” “I was a womaniser, and one day I met Jesus….”
These are the common patterns in the testimonies of conversion that we hear in the context of some renewal prayer sessions. These stories are very plausible, and they touch me. Nevertheless they also raise a lot of questions in me: what is the experience of Jesus like for people who are basically good? Is the experience of Jesus always followed by dramatic signs? If people are good – as most people […]
Sermon for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
HE and I (Lk 18:9-14)
A few years ago, I came up with this definition of prayer: “Prayer is becoming aware of who I am in the presence of God.” I could also consistently explain the different forms of prayers within this definition. When I become aware of my dependence on God, it is the prayer of intercession. When I become aware of my sinfulness, I begin the prayer of repentance. When I become aware of what God has done for me, I express it in prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
I was quite fond of using this definition in my retreats with young people. It was very impressive. But that was until one day. That fine day this beautiful definition was threatened by a question from a young participant. “Father,” she said, “What is […]
Sermon for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
(Lk 18:1-8)
‘… a parable about the need to pray continually…’ (Lk 18:1)
Emergency numbers and frequently dialled numbers
Wherever in the world you are, today, you can have access to emergency services just by ‘dialling’ a few numbers on your telephone. Do you know the emergency number(s) in your own country? In the UK, it is 999; in the European Union it is 112, and in some countries it is 911. In some other countries there are separate numbers to call the police, fire services, or medical assistance. I recently read in the internet that the first emergency number system to be deployed, anywhere in the world, was in London. It was on 30 June 1937 that ‘999’ was first dialled and a special red light […]