Sermon for Cycle A – 30th Sunday Homily: Loving

love_of_god130th Sunday of the Year
It is said that at the time of Jesus the rabbis could count up to 613 commandments contained in the Law: 365 were prohibitions (don’t do this!) and 248 were prescriptive (do this!).  Some of the rabbis considered all these commandments to be equally important, while others continued to debate to identify the most important commandment.  That is why the Pharisees and Sadducees had reasons to ask Jesus, “Which is the greatest commandment of the Law?” even if their intention was only to put Jesus to the test.  Apparently Jesus gives an answer that is similar to those given by some of the rabbis of his time. For instance, there is a story about one rabbi Hillel, who lived a few years before Jesus.  A gentile went to […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 29th Sunday Homily

GiveToGod“Give to Ceasar what belongs to Caesar – and to God what belongs to God”
Being Good Christians and Honest Citizens
 In many aspects of his public life Jesus seems to be a rebel.  He blatantly disobeys the Sabbath law (Jn 5:1-19; Lk 13:10-16; Mk 3:1-6).  Not only did he break the law but allowed his disciples to do the same (Mt 12:1-14). Jesus questioned the rationale of the Law of Moses and offered a new interpretation (Mt 5:1-7:29), even though he claimed, “I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them” (Mt 5:17).  Jesus challenged the powers-that-be: the priests, the lawyers, the scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  And yet, in the gospel reading of today Jesus tells the Pharisees and the Herodians to continue ‘to pay taxes’ to the Romans. What […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 28th Sunday Homily: Celebrate Life

C’mon and Celebrate!
(Is 25:6-10; Phil 4:12-14,19-20; Mt 22:1-14)
 Speaking about food and cultures: an African lady, who used to work for an ethnic Indian family in East Africa, once told me: “You Indians take so much time to cook, but you eat it all so quickly.”  As an Indian, I had never thought of that!  Come to think of it, it seems so true.  Our women spend most of their day cooking – despite the grinding machines and ‘mixies’ these days! Traditionally and even now, in most Indian families, people squatted on the floor while eating, and used their fingers.  Both these factors could be accelerating the speed of eating.  In a sense, while eating Indians don’t ‘sit at table’, which is the expression used in most Western cultures, implying the connotation that […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 27th Sunday Homily: Avoiding Spiritual Redundancy

004-parable-tenantsAre you protected against Spiritual Redundancy?
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A
(Isaiah 5: 1-7; Psalm 79; Philippians 4: 6-9; Matthew 21: 33-43)
Down-sizing, Redundancy, and laying off are common in the capitalistic world. Often, it is a painful experience for individuals. One danger is for people to take it too personally when they are laid off.  In most cases redundancy is not a statement on our self-worth as individuals.  Redundancy might have nothing to do with an individual’s talents and skills.  Simply, the game of Monopoly that is being played by the corporate world should not make us feel that we are worthless.  To the people who have been made redundant, it might seem insensitive to repeat the words of the 2nd reading of today: “There is no need to […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 26th Sunday Homily: First Impression

downloadFirst Impression is not good enough in the Kingdom of God
In your social interactions, have you come across individuals who make a very good first impression on you?  After a few minutes of conversation with you, they address you by your first name; they talk as if you have known each other for years; and they look at you as if you are the only one who matters to them.  And then, after a few months you come across this person and you approach them with the same spirit of familiarity that they exhibited to you in your last meeting, but alas, they don’t know you from Adam!  And to add to your disappointment, they are embarrassed, or even show some annoyance that you want a favour from them!
 On the other hand, there are others who might look grumpy, aloof […]

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