Reflection on the Prodigal Son based on the painting by Rembrandt

There are several books written on this theme.  But the parable and the painting still speak more, hence the following reflection.  This reflection has to be used together with the painting.  The texts within brackets invite the reader to focus on details of particular parts of the painting. The following text is to be treated as an original writing of Sahaya G. Selvam, sdb. The copy of the painting is now in public domain, hence no copyright is required.  
 This is my story.
It is our story.
It is the story of how I negotiate with my self, my Father, and my brother.
It is the story of my life.
The story of my encounters with the self, God, and the other!
(The feet of the kneeling boy, the younger son, notice the torn […]

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The Resurrection – A meditation

I imagine that I am a seed:
a corn, or a bean, or a grain of paddy (rice).
I am buried beneath the soft soil.
I zoom-in to see a magnified image of myself under the soil.
I am surrounded by the grains of sand – the lid of the tomb.
I am embraced by Mother Earth.
It is dark.
It is quiet.
There is some moisture and plenty of warmth.
The seed is apparently dead, at least for now.
Yet, there is so much fecundity around.
I see in slow motion how the seed begins to swell.
It sheds itself of its coat.
The cotyledons effortlessly split.
And gently from the core of the seed there is a movement of life.
New life.
A tender root germinates as if the seed wants to stand on its feet.
Then the seed rests to gather renewed strength.
Gradually a determined shoot springs up pushing aside the grains of soil.
When […]

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Via Lucis – Version 2

A pious exercise called the Via Lucis has developed and spread to many regions in recent years. Following the model of the Via Crucis, the faithful process while meditating on the various appearances of Jesus – from his Resurrection to his Ascension – in which he showed his glory to the disciples who awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit (cf. John 14, 26; 16, 13-15; Lk 24, 49), strengthened their faith, brought to completion his teaching on the Kingdom and more closely defined the sacramental and hierarchical structure of the Church.
Through the Via Lucis, the faithful recall the central event of the faith – the resurrection of Christ – and their discipleship in virtue of Baptism, the paschal sacrament by which they have passed from the darkness of sin to the bright radiance of the light of grace (cf. Col 1, 13; Eph 5, 8).
For centuries the Via Crucis involved the faithful in […]

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Being Here and Now

Sit and calm yourself.  Take a comfortable posture, with your feet flat on the floor if you are seated on a chair, and keep your back straight. Close your eyes.
Become aware of the fact that you are breathing.  Do not manipulate your breathing.  Just be aware that you are breathing in and out.  As you breathe out, relax the different parts of your body: have you closed your eyes too tight?  Relax your facial muscles.  You can actually let go of your lower jaw without opening your mouth.  Enjoy the moment.
Relax your neck, your shoulders, and above all your stomach. Keep your back straight.
Keep paying attention to your breathing.  Each time you realise your mind was wandering, bring back your attention to your breathing. Be here and now!
Now and then become aware of your feelings.  How do you feel?
End the exercise by becoming aware of the fact that you are in the presence of God.  Be at peace!

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A Politician’s Prayer

Lord God, the source of all power and goodness,
I praise you for your infinite yet wise plan for the universe.
I praise you for your powerful yet gentle presence in the world.
Lord God, the source of all love and kindness,
I thank you for the patient journey that you have walked with me.
I thank you for the impeccable way
you have prepared me for your mission here on earth.
Lord God, the source of all forgiveness and reconciliation,
May your compassion purify me of every trace of selfishness.
May your loving kindness strengthen me
to see others’ good in all my undertakings.
Lord God, the source of all truth and freedom,
Help me ever be open to dialogue in our search for the truth.
Help me assert the dignity of the human person in our fight for liberty.
Lord God, the source of all peace and joy,
Bring lasting prosperity to my nation.
Let ‘quality of life’ be the way we define […]

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