Scaffoldings 1: Situation of Youth Today

1.1. People say youth are…

To understand the situation of participants as youth.
To have a realistic attitude toward youth.

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1.2. Let’s get serious: What is youth?

To define youth.
To continue understand deeper meaning of youth.
To build hope of living positively as youth.

1.3. Situation of African Youth

To understand the situation of African youth.
To help participants see the need for life-skills.

1.4. Healthy youth behaviour

The understand the importance of life skills.
To build hope that to handle situation of youth right attitude is needed.

1.5. Scaffoldings

To understand meaning and approach of Scaffoldings training.
To workout the logistics for the smooth running of the programme.

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Scaffoldings 2: Self Awareness & Acceptance

2.1 Opening Up the Layers

To understand that the self has different layers
To create a sense of wonder about the self

2.2 Where Am I? 

To help understand the self using symbolic language.
To appreciate the fact that the self being a mystery is best expressed in symbols.

2.3 How Am I?

To understand the second layer of the self which includes one’s attitudes and behaviour.
To appreciate the fact that our thoughts and feelings affect our behaviour.

2.4 Who Am I?

To get into the third layer of the self.
To get in touch with the deepest desire that pushes one to invest one’s energies.
To have a vision of the self that flows from understanding that I am in the image of God.

2.5 Soup for the Soul

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Scaffoldings 3: Interpersonal Relationships

3.1 Layers of Relationship

To understand that there are layers of relationship.
To develop an attitude of respecting these layers.

3.2 Friendship

To understand that friendship is an open relationship.
To appreciate that it is different from courtship and marriage.

3.3 Function of Body in Relationship

To understand the role of the body in the layers of relationship
To be able to distinguish bad touch from good touch.

3.4 True Love Waits

To understand the meaning of true love and that true love waits.
To be able to positively say no and wait.

3.5 Soup for the Soul

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Scaffoldings 4: My Moral Stand

4.1 What is my Value System?

To help participants to clarify their values.
To be able to prioritize their values.

4.2 African Value System

To reflect on African Value System.
To be able to appreciate the good values of Africa and to be critical of those that may not be Christian.

4.3 Good and Bad

1. To understand the difference between morally indifferent actions and those that have moral weight.
To able to take seriously actions that enhance and threaten life.

4.4  Value of Life

To understand human life as the principle on which morality is built.

4.5 Soup for the Soul

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Scaffoldings 5: Preparation towards Marriage

5.1 Love or Attraction

To understand that marriage is a serious decision and one should not rush into it.
To be able to differentiate between true love and attraction.

5.2 Faithfulness in Marriage

To understand that marriage is a serious decision.
To appreciate the importance of trust and faithfulness in marriage.

5.3 Preparing for Marriage

To understand the important ends/goals of marriage.
That marriage is the foundation of family.

5.4 My Wedding

To understand the meaning of sacrament of marriage.
To be able to make out the important elements in Christian marriage.

5.5 Soup for the Soul

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