2 Scientific Enquiry

A research is a scientific (systematic) enquiry into a phenomenon.  Therefore, to understand research methodology is it important to understand the process of scientific enquiry.  The first lecture for both qualitative methods and quantitative methods I start with this lecture.  The understanding of the scientific process will also justify the outline of research reports:  Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion.
This lecture also introduces the student to some basic terminology which will be further expanded in the subsequent lectures.  <<DOWNLOAD SLIDES IN PDF – LECTURE 1>>

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3 Research Terminologies

The study of research methods has its own discourse.  This includes a set of terminologies.  If you are angry with your lecturer you might call it, ‘a set of jargons’.  There is no escape from this.  You don’t need to memorise them, but surely you have to familarise yourself with them.
Here is a glossary of terms: Glossary of Terms in Research Methods.  I have adapted this from: http://wps.pearsoned.co.uk/ema_uk_he_matthews_resmeth/153/39239/10045193.cw/-/10045194/index.html

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