The Role of Religion in the Reviewing of the Tanzanian Constitution
Dr Sahaya G. Selvam, sdb
A talk given to the annual philosophical symposium of Moshi-Arusha on 2 Feb 2013
Taking a perspective of the scientific study of religion, the paper lays the foundations for deriving the guiding principles for the involvement of religion in the review process of the Tanzanian constitutions. It discusses the following aspects: the interaction between the sacred and the secular in Africa; the type of religion that is suitable to create an authentic interaction between religion and society; and the nature of this interaction itself. Having delineated the basic principles, the paper concludes by briefly listing some possible contribution of religions to the constitution reviewing process in Tanzania.
The president of the Republic of Tanzania has constituted a commission of 30 members, representing different political parties, religious organizations, NGO’s and other interested parties, to review the Fourth Constitution. The […]
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African Worldview
Sahaya G. Selvam
Simply put, the fundamental question in philosophy is, what is the ultimate reality?
The Eastern religions, the earliest sources in the known human history to answer this question, were mystical in their approach. They gave different names to this “ultimate reality which underlies and unifies the multiple things of events” of the universe. The Chinese called it Tao, the Hindus, Brahman and the Buddhists called it Dhamma.
Judaism might have been the first well-known religion to give a personal dimension to this ultimate reality, though without giving a definite name. They calledHim, YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph. Later Christianity would be born out of the fact that this “God” would even take a human form.
The early Greek philosophers of the Ionian school were too concerned with the material cosmos and they began their philosophical search with the question: What is the world stuff? Their […]
An African Epistemology
The Multiplicity of Truth :
An inquiry into African Epistemology
In this brief article I would like to reflect on how the African people look at truth. (I am grateful to my friend Babu Ayindo. A conversation with him has been the real confirmation of my own postulations. Some of the examples used here are his too.) The concept of truth is based on a metaphysics – a way of interpreting reality. Thirdly, it has its implications on ethics.
I would like to speak of these three aspects in the following theses:
1: A ‘Yes’ may mean a ‘No’.
2: The different aspects of reality are not contradictory but only complementary.
3: That is good which simply preserves relationships.
I noticed that in stating these theses I had to be extra careful to state them without absolutizing them – in the African way. Therefore, I notice that English being a non-African language has its limitation in expressing […]