Scaffoldings 20: Youth Spirituality

20 Even You Can

20.1 Called to be Perfect


  1. To understand the meaning of being holy.
  2. To understand aspects of youth spirituality.


20.2 Celebrating Life in Happiness


  1. To understand the meaning of true happiness and celebration of life.

20.3 Fulfilling Daily Duties


  1. To understand the role of work in daily life.
  2. To be convinced that spirituality is lived out in daily life.

20.4 Accepting Suffering


  1. To understand meaning of union with God in relation to spirituality.

20.5 Union with God


  1. To understand meaning of union with God in relation to spirituality.

20.6 Discovering One’s Calling


  1. To understand the meaning of vocation.
  2. To be able to relate meaning in life to vocation.

20.7 Social-Political Involvement


  1. To understand that true spirituality makes one be part of the society.

20.8 Being Part of the Church


  1. To understand one’s role in the church.
  2. To be able to have a right model of church.