Dates: Option 1: 27th-29th March 2023; Option 2: 30th Mar to 1st Apr 2023 – 8.30am to 4.30pm daily.
Cost: Ksh. 8000/- | Ksh.7500 for PPAK registered members!
(Cost includes training, conference package, manual, lunch & two teas for three days of training).
Add: 1700/- per night for B&B if needed.
REGISTER ONLINE FOR Character Coaches’ Training – Level 1: https://forms.gle/
What is Character?
Character is the moral core of the person. It is the set of virtuous habits that form part of the person that determines how they make moral choices in their daily life, and function in the world. Character contributes to individual wellbeing and social flourishing.
Who is a Character Coach?
A Character Coach, male or female, is a person of moral stand – a person of character – who commits to mentor other people in character in a systematic manner. They might make this part of their profession, and may charge for their services. We recommend that Character Coaches are above the age of 21. We expect Character Coaches to form Character Clubs.
What are Character Clubs?
Character Clubs are made up of young people aged between 12 to 30, numbering between 5 and 25 in a club, who meet periodically to be mentored by a trained Character Coach, following the manual(s) that the trained coaches will be provided with. Character Clubs may be formed in any context: schools, churches, or the street!
What specific Character Strengths will be covered in the training – covered in the manuals?
We plan to hold formal training in three levels (ToT for each level lasts 3 days), in addition to online supervision of the Character Coaches. In Level 1, we are covering following character strengths: Spirituality, Self-Regulation (Self-Control), Gratitude, Love for Learning (Curiosity), Wisdom, Critical Thinking, Social & Emotional Intelligence, Integrity, Compassion, Passion (Vitality), Resilience (Perseverance), and Purpose (Future Orientation).
Phase 2 – Option 2: August 17th to 19th, 2023
Phase 3 – Option 2: December 7th to 9th, 2023