Sermon for Christmas – Homily Year A, B, C.

And the Word became flesh (Jn 1:14)
Christmas – Liturgy of the Day
 The language of God
A young man was intrigued by this question: what language does God speak?  He asked people around, what is the language of God?  And no one was able to offer him a satisfactory answer.  So the young man undertook a journey going in search of the answer to his all important question.  His first stop was a village.  He asked the people there: what language does God speak?  None of them could answer the question.  “But,” they said, “there is a holy man who lives on the hill outside our village who perhaps has the answer to your question.”  So the young man went to the holy man.  Holy, for sure, he was.  And the man said, “Look around you.  See the beauty of creation: the […]

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Sermon for 4th Sunday in Advent – Year A Homily

“You must name him Jesus” (Mt 1:21)
4th Sunday of Advent – Year A
 We are all aware of the annunciation of angel Gabriel to Mary. When we think of annunciation, we only think of the annunciation to Mary (Lk 1:26-38).  It is interesting to note that there are at least two other annunciation stories in the gospels, prior to the birth of Jesus.  These two stories are actually about annunciation to two men.  The first is in the Gospel of Luke that speaks of the annunciation to Zachariah (Lk 1:10-23) of the birth of John.  The second story is in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew does not have an annunciation to Mary.  Only Luke has it. Matthew, on the other hand, has a story of annunciation to Joseph.  It is this story that we heard read in the gospel of today. […]

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Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Advent – Year A Homily

Spirituality of Waiting
3rd Sunday in Advent – Cycle A
 While still in London, one day, I had to travel across the city on a weekday during the morning rush hour to preside at a Eucharistic celebration.  The internet estimated that my journey would take about an hour and a half, but I left a little bit late.  As I sat anxiously on the London Tube (underground train) wishing to push that train to run faster, I began to have a look at the people who sat around me: a few were trying to catch up with their make up, some were catching up with their breakfast, others were catching up with the news, and still others either fidgeting with an electronic toy (like the mobile phone or ipad), or listening to music.  And suddenly an insight came to me, as […]

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Sermon for 2nd Sunday in Advent – Year A Homily

“As they were baptised they confessed their sins”
2nd Sunday of Advent – Year A 
A priest went to hear confessions of boys in a boarding school.  As the priest went to this place every Saturday to hear confessions, he would find about 10 to 15 boys lining up for confession.  On this particular day, he found seven of them already forming the queue for confession.  The first boy came and said, “Father, we threw peanut into the pond.”  The priest gave his absolution, and off went the boy. The second boy came and said, “Father, during the last week, we threw peanut into the pond near our playground.” The priest gave his absolution. The third boy came and said more or less the same sin.  And so did the six boys.  Finally, the seventh boy came.  By this time the […]

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