One-Minute Spirituality with Selvam
I have launched a new channel on YouTube. It will feature 1-minute long videos on spirituality weekly. Watch. Share. Subscribe.
Month: April 2022
Sermon for the Palm Sunday – Cycle C Homily
The King on a Pony en route to Die
Palm Sunday (Cycle C) – Lk 19:28-40
(Before the Procession)
Today we begin the week of weeks in the liturgical calendar: the Holy Week. Today we begin the commemoration of the high points in the history of salvation: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus – the Paschal Mystery. Today we accompany Jesus on his solemn entry into Jerusalem where he will suffer, die and rise again. Yet, this day is a day of contradictions.
The King on a Donkey’s Back
In the gospel of Luke Jesus is on this single, long journey that he started from the little village of Nazareth (Lk 4:42-44) to the capital of the Jewish world – Jerusalem. Now he is almost there nearing his destiny. It is going to be a solemn entry, almost as if a King is about […]