University Preparedness for Online Teaching and Learning amid COVID-19 in Kenya


University Preparedness for Online Teaching and Learning amid COVID-19 in Kenya

Stanislaus Agava, Sahaya G. Selvam, Judith Pete

New Student Literacies amid COVID-19: International Case Studies
ISBN: 978-1-80071-467-0, eISBN: 978-1-80071-466-3
ISSN: 2055-3641
Publication date: 7 December 2021 Reprints & Permissions


Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic took institutions of learning and the workplaces by surprise. Offering online learning was an alternative for institutions of higher learning. Were the Kenyan institutions adequately prepared for this? The present study had three specific objectives: (a) to establish the status of policy preparedness of online teaching and learning in Kenyan universities; (b) to explore the infrastructural preparedness of the universities; and (c) to find out the level of competency preparedness of lecturers and students in embracing the facilities for online teaching and learning. The study had an embedded mixed method research design. Data were gathered using an online questionnaire, from […]

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Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King – Homily

34th Sunday of the year
Jesus, the king of our hearts
For another sermon on the same theme: CLICK HERE
This is one of the feasts that I find difficult to understand.  So I did some reading about the history of this feast, I was utterly shocked to note that this feast was introduced only in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. Interestingly, as the Pope points out in an encyclical (letter of the pope) that accompanied the event, the introduction of the feast was a warning against the totalitarian governments of the 20th century.  It was a statement against the situation of Europe between the two World Wars.
In this light, I got a new impetus to prepare this sermon. As we know, though ‘kings and queens’ are mostly becoming titles of the past, or becoming […]

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