Sermon for the 4th Sunday in Lent – Year C Homily

The Good Boy and the Bad Boy
4th Sunday in Lent (Lk 15:1-3, 11-32)
 Today is one of those days, when I feel, a homily might steal the gospel reading of its depth.  The parable that we heard read is a much-quoted story and we are all too familiar with it.  Perhaps I might just challenge that familiarity, so that the Word of God may become alive in us today.
Usually in stories and movies, there are three types of main characters: the hero and/or the heroin – the protagonist, around whom the story revolves; there is the anti-hero – the antagonist who creates a conflict which the hero attempts to resolve; and the supporting characters, who contribute to the events that lead up to the conflict and the resolution.  There would also be the minor characters (like the servants), and ‘the […]

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5th Sunday in Lent Sermon – Cycle B Homily – When I am lifted up

We want to see Jesus lifted high
5th Sunday in Lent – Year B (Jn 12:20-33)
 When I read the gospel text of the 5th Sunday in Lent (year B), I was reminded of a popular song, written by the Children’s song-writer Doug Horley, that goes:
We want to see Jesus lifted high,
A banner that flies across the land,
That all men might see the truth and know,
He is the way to heaven.
Despite the fact that the song is theologically simplistic – remember it is a children’s song – I thought the first line captures quite well the theme of the gospel of today: “We want to see Jesus lifted high”.  I would like to use this line in two parts to offer the reflection for today. In the third part of the reflection, I will propose another method of praying, thus completing our […]

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4th Sunday in Lent Sermon – Cycle B Homily: Nicodemus

“God loved the world so much….”
4th Sunday in Lent – Year B (Jn 1:12-15).
 The Gospel of John is often considered the most difficult of the Gospels – highly symbolic in its expression and deeply theological in its content.  John likes to use terms with more than one meaning and thus invite us to a deeper level of reflection. For instance, in the gospel text of today (from John 3) there are at least three expressions that can have more than one meaning: night, spirit or wind, born from above or born again.  This conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus turns out to be a theological discourse, which is very typical of the Gospel of John.  Though the text we heard read is only part of the conversation, I would like to consider the whole encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus (Jn […]

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3rd Sunday in Lent Sermon – Cycle B Homily: The Temple

“In three days I will raise it up”
3rd Sunday in Lent – Year B (Jn 2:13-25).
 To watch my video reflection on the Temple of Jerusalem on Youtube, CLICK HERE.
As we may well be aware, the Liturgy of the Word for Sundays in the Catholic liturgy is laid out in a three-year cycle.  During Lent, the Year A cycle uses the Gospel of John, with passages particularly relevant for those who are preparing for baptism during Easter.  This year, we are using the Year B cycle, basically reading from the Gospel of Mark.  Previous two Sundays of Lent we read from the Gospel according to Mark.  But today we switch over to John and continue listening to John until the 5th Sunday in Lent. The Gospel of John is often considered the most difficult of the Gospels – highly […]

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Training in Teaching and Learning in 21st Century

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century
30th March to 1st April 2021
(3-day face to face training – from 8.30am 4.30pm)
Ideal for teachers, lecturers, professors, seminary lecturers, and educators!

Cost: Ksh. 6000/-
(includes lunch+2 teas+
3 days face to face training +20 hours self-paced online training)

Assorted Topics

Competencies for 4th Industrial Revolution
Intellectual agility
Self-learning skills
Cornell Note-taking Technique
Flipped Classroom
Technology Enhanced Learning
LMS: Google Classroom
Constructive Alignment
Personal teaching philosophy
Information Literacy
Socrative, PollEverywhere, Menti, etc
Visualising Techniques in PowerPoint
Educational Institutional Culture
Hidden curriculum
Assessment Rubric
Capstone Exercise/Projects
Core Concepts and Threshold Concepts
Creating & Using Case Method
Service Learning
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle
Appreciative Enquiry
Graphic Organisers
National and Regional Qualifications Framework

Certificate of participation will be provided for those who complete the online training (20 hours) following the face to face training (20 hours).
Residential option: Add Ksh.1300/- per night
Due to COVID restrictions we are taking about 25 people in a hall that can contain 65 people. […]

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