Sermon for 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily: Loaves & Fish

bread-limpa“And they all ate and were satisfied” (Mt 14:20)
 One of my academic interests is to examine the psychological impact of Christian contemplative practice on people.  A pattern emerges from the formal interviews that I have conducted, and the informal conversation that I have had.  The participants speak of what I call, ‘a 3D spirituality,’ there is an upward movement of the heart towards God, there is an inward movement towards the self, and there is an outward movement towards others. This is something I strive for in my own personal life, and I offer opportunity for people to experience through my own ministry. These days I add a fourth dimension to this, inspired by the spirit of the Laudato Si’: the outward journey is also towards the rest of creation!
3D Spirituality.  In the […]

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Sermon for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily: The Sower

1-parable-sowerThe Amateurish Farmer who does not expect 100% output
A few years back I had the privilege of visiting the Holy Land. And I remember, as our bus made its way up the hill from the Sea of Galilee to what is called the Mount of the Beatitudes, our Franciscan commentator began to read to us the Parable of the Sower (Mt 13:1-9) – the gospel text of today. He invited us to look at the landscape around: there were rocky grounds, there were footpaths, there were thorny pushes, and there were fertile areas. The word of God suddenly became alive to me! Our commentator added, “You see, Jesus had no PowerPoint presentation to accompany his teachings. He used what was accessible to him and his listeners – the landscape!”
Amateurish Farmer: Even as I […]

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