Sermon for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily

Pope FrancisYear of Mercy – Reflection for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (31 Jan 2016)
 (Disclaimer: The following lines are product of pure imagination!)
Mr Pius is a good Christian.
He goes to church even on week days.
He reads the Bible very regularly.
He says all his long prayers very diligently –
even if often he would say them rather hurriedly.
He is an educated man, and he reads even the documents of the Church.
He is aware of the current debates that are going on in the Church.
He is in-charge of the formation of laity in his parish.
He has his positions clear:
The interpretation of the traditional teaching of the Church should not be watered down –
Not even in the name of mercy!
He believes that God is a just judge.
He will punish the wicked in time.
They will be condemned […]

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Year of Mercy – Reflection for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (24 Jan 2015)

1430808482743For a previous reflection of mine on the gospel of text of today: <<CLICK HERE>>.  What follows is as reflection on the gospel of today in the context of the Year of Mercy, which is also the Jubilee year.
The Jubilee Year
It is so meaningful that in this “Year of Mercy”, as we begin to listen to the Gospel of Luke during this Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar of Year C, we hear Jesus proclaiming  “a year of favour from the Lord” (Lk 4:19; Is 61:2).
The connotation to the Year of the Lord in Isaiah is inspired by what is found in the Book of Leviticus (25:10-17):
You will declare this fiftieth year to be sacred and proclaim the liberation of all the country’s inhabitants. You will keep this as a jubilee… in it […]

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Take the VIA Test

Values in Action Test will tell you what are your strengths of character.
This test is directed only Kenyan Students:
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the field requesting a research code (after completing the survey), and to be certain to enter your code: ZZM11

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