Pastoral care of the family in the light of sound psychology

A paper presented at the Tangaza Conference on Family – 19 May 2015
Moral philosophers and theologians argue that the human family is governed by natural law.  While philosophers might rationally argue for this, theologians resort to revelation. In theologians’ understanding human family is part of the plan of God.  Can scientific psychology provide some empirical evidence for “the natural law” argument? If yes, how could psychology enhance the pastoral care of families today? The aim of the present conceptual paper is to offer some contemporary evidence from evolutionary psychology and neurobiology to suggest that, after all, the human brain may be hire-wired for the family. It will go on to reflect on the role of the family in the growth of a Christian in the light some emerging insights from psychology.   The later part of the paper will focus on the association between individuals’ relationship in the family and their […]

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Training Manual for Psycho-Social Support

festa-mamma-albero-della-vita1The Institute of Youth Studies (IYS) has networked with an Italian NGO (Fondazione L’Albero della Vita – FADV) in order to develop a training manual for use in the 26 Kenyan government run statutory children institutions. The training will target over 120 staff who are employed in the juvenile remand and rehabilitation institutions, so as to build staff capacity in offering psycho-social support to their wards.

FADV approached IYS to carry out a needs assessment in collaboration with the University of Padova, and to develop the training manual.  The NGO has offered a sum of Ksh.250,000 to IYS for this consultancy service.

The trainings will be also carried out by IYS, funded by CEFA – another Italian NGO that works with the Kenya government in the Children Services.

I have the been key person in […]

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Character Strengths in Africa 1 (Towards an African List of CS)

CS Research 2 webIn Africa, in the wake of HIV/AIDS, much of youth training focused on life-skills. With the number of new infections stabilising and the frequency of HIV prevention training reduced, life skills feature less in the discourse of youth formation today. On the other hand, globally, youth trainings increasingly focus on character development (CD). In Africa, however, character strengths remain largely unexplored.  Character Strengths (CS) are virtue-like habits and attitudes that influence individuals’ behaviour in such a way that their wellbeing and that of the society are enhanced.  Psychologists Seligman and Peterson have suggested a list of 24 CS that are said to be ubiquitous across cultures and religious traditions.
The present study is part of a larger project, “Character Scaffolding – Kenya and Tanzania”, that aims: (1) to develop a theoretical […]

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