Role of narratives in conflicts

Two men shaking handsConflicts: A Social Psychological Perspective
with special focus on the role of Narratives
 Rev Dr Sahaya G. Selvam
Tangaza University College, Nairobi
 Note: These notes are meant for class discussion
Social Psychology is a branch of psychology (as well as of sociology) that focuses on the cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling) and behavioural dimensions of human beings in their interaction with each other – in groups and societies.
Activity 1: Ask in pairs: “Who are you?” x 10 times
One of the foci of Social Psychology is how individuals draw their identity from their affiliation to groups (see Henri Tajfel and John Turner). There is a basic need in human beings to belong – this need is met by individuals being part of groups that they find themselves in or choose to be in:  Ethnic groups, religions, clubs, […]

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