African Youth Today: Challenges and Prospects

 African youth 2The present volume celebrates the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Youth Studies (IYS) at Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.  The presence of IYS suggests that we need to acknowledge that ‘youth studies’ could be a legitimate academic programme, and youth work and ministry are inevitable employable professions. IYS prepares youth workers and counsellors through its academic programmes in youth ministry, youth studies and counselling psychology. The programmes focus on three components: theories – that explain the nature and behaviour of youth; skills – in dealing with youth and their families in a variety of contexts; and research – in order to evolve home-grown models and theories in youth work and counselling.
This book is a collection of papers that report studies carried […]

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Sermon for the 1st Sunday in Advent – Year B Homily

first-day-of-advent1st Sunday in Advent
Zachariah, the reluctant collaborator
My four sermons for this year (2014) will focus on four personages who were part of the first advent! (CLICK HERE if you would like to see other sermons for Advent).  These individuals somehow contributed to the first Christmas. And the four people that I would like us to focus on, this year, are:
 1st Sunday of Advent, 2014: Zachariah, the reluctant collaborator
 2nd Sunday of Advent 2014: John the Baptist, the one who knew his space
 3rd Sunday of Advent, 2014: Joseph, the man of honour
 4th Sunday of Advent, 2014: Mary, who waited in contemplation
How can I know this?
The Gospel according to Luke begins with the annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Zachariah (Lk 1:4-23). Interestingly, the scene of this annunciation is the temple itself.  For Zachariah, this is […]

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Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

TEMPLE RUINS-JERUSALEM1 webFeast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
9 November 2014
Rarely do we have a feast such as the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica replacing the Sunday celebration.  The liturgical tradition of the Church places a lot of importance on dedication of churches. For instance, when it is the anniversary of the dedication of a Cathedral church (the principal church of the diocese which has the chair of the Bishop), it can be celebrated as a solemnity on a Sunday. The Basilica of St John Lateran is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome – the mother of all churches.  Why do we celebrate the dedication of a church?    In the Catholic tradition, the church building is not just a hall for fellowship.  It is a sacred space.  It […]

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