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Journal of Human Resources Education
Journal of Religion & Society
Journal Religions and Ideologies
International Journal of Psychological Studies
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Journal of Human Resources Education
Observation usually involves an intensive examination of a particular group, event, or social process. The researcher studies something that is happening or has happened without attempting to structure the conditions of observation. Most observational studies take place in the field.
Observation is a form of long unstructured interview, where the researcher interviews people informally, if need be, as events unfold before his eyes. But s/he learns not by asking questions but by what they observe.
The researcher does not attempt to influence what happens in any way but aims instead at an accurate description and analysis of what takes place. The analysis usually involves tracing cause-and-effect relationships, but some sociologists are content merely to give a precise account of their observations. These accounts may be useful to other sociologists.
Observation can be of three types:
a. Non-participant Observation: The researcher remains an outsider to the event or the group. He does not participate in […]