A homily for the Feast of St John Bosco

Let the Children come to me!
Mark 10:13-16
People were bringing little children to [Jesus], for him to touch them. The disciples scolded them, but when Jesus saw this he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome thekingdomofGodlike a little child will never enter it.’ Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing.
 “Let the children come to me.”
When we come to church we hear a lot of jargons.  Let us try to understand at least one of them.  What does ‘Jesus’ stand for?  For me, Jesus stands for ‘Wellbeing’ (a simpler word for ‘salvation’!).  He stands for ‘fullness of life!’
In Jn 10:10, Jesus says: “I have come so that [you] may have life […]

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Sie gingen mit… und blieben bei ihm (Joh 1, 35-42)

Sie gingen mit… und blieben bei ihm (Joh 1, 35-42)
2. Sonntag im Jahreskreis B
Nach dem berühmten Prolog des Johannes-Evangeliums (1, 1-18) beginnt der Evangelist eine wohldurchdachte Erzählung über die Neue Schöpfung. Sie erstreckt sich über sieben Tage (1, 19-2, 12). In ihr erzählt er die die Begegnung verschiedenen Menschen mit Jesus und wie sie in die­sen Begegnungen Leben finden (20, 31).
 Tag 1: Die Erwartungen an Johannes den Täufer, Enttäuschung: ‘Ich bin es nicht’ (1, 19-28).
Tag 2: Johannes begegnet Jesus. Er weist auf die Jesu Taufe hin. Den Schwer­punkt der Erzäh­lung bildet das Erleben des Johannes (1, 29-34).
Tag 3: Der Tag der Offenbarung von Jesu Identität, der Tag der ‘Erscheinung des Herrn’. Johan­nes sagt es Andreas und seinem Begleiter. Diese folgen Jesus und bleiben bei ihm. Andreas bringt seinen Bruder Simon zu Jesus (1, 35-42).
Tag 4: Jesus begegnet Philippus; Philippus bringt Nathanael zu Jesus (1, 43-51).
Tag 5 und 6: Es herrscht […]

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Mindful Journaling

Journaling as a psycho-spiritual exercise – Guidelines
Quieten yourself.
Spend a few moments breathing in and out.
As you breathe out, relax the different parts of your body.
Get in touch with your thoughts and feelings at this moment.
When you are ready, begin to write your thoughts and feelings down.
If you find it difficult to begin somewhere, just begin by describing the events of the day or the past few hours.
What people have you met?
What events have you witnessed?
What touched you most during the day?
Were there insights that cropped up in your mind during the day?
How were your quiet moments, including the contemplative practice?
Generally, were you serene and centred (focussed) during the day?
(You might want to follow a particular style of journaling from among the different approaches described in Appendix B).
Consider your diary as a faithful listener and companion.
Consider your diary as a safe space where you can be yourself.
Consider your diary as the […]

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Strengths Based Journaling

Try to answer the following questions as you write your diary for the day: were there statements that you heard or read from others that rang a bell for you?  Were there certain insights deep within you that made some special sense for you?
If there were some difficulties or unpleasant experiences during the course of the last few hours, ask yourself now: how are these experiences challenging your own beliefs about your self, God, world, and other persons? Was there in these experiences any particular insight about the meaning of life for you?  Gently and calmly write these lessons down.  If you so wish, you could end up writing a poem or a verse.
If you have longer time you could try to answer these questions in writing: how would you want your life to be narrated to your grandchildren. Write a summary of your life.  A few days […]

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Catechetical Resource 3: The Compass of my life

Q25. How does man respond to God who reveals himself?
By his Revelation, “the invisible God, from the fullness of his love, addresses men as his friends, and moves among them, in order to invite and receive them into his own company.”  The adequate response to this invitation is faith  (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 142). Download a file for animation on this theme> 3 Compass of my life

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