Christian Mindfulness Training – 1 June, Nairobi

What is it? The word ‘mindfulness’ is increasingly being used to refer to a whole range of meditation techniques.  Several research findings have shown that meditation facilitates better physical, psychological and spiritual health. God-centred meditation has untold spiritual benefits.  It opens up the person for an experience of God. This one-day training is meant to train the participant in Christian Mindfulness practices.
Specific contents: (1) Learn ‘Jesus Prayer’ (an ancient Christian Contemplative Practice) in 7 steps. (2) Learn how to journal – as a means to deal with your emotions and to grow spiritually. (3) Take a Labyrinth Walk through a prayer garden at DBYES getting in touch with yourself, God, and
Where? Don Bosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES); On Dagoretti Road (Between Karen Town and Dagoretti Market)
When? On 1 June 2011 (Madaraka Day). From 8.30am […]

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Via Lucis – 3

Reading: Acts 2:14, 22-25, 32-33
Station I – Jesus is Risen!
Reading: Luke 24:1-9

Station II – Peter and John run to the tomb.
Reading: John 20:3-8

Station III – Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
Reading: John 20:11-18a
Station IV – Jesus joins the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
Reading: Luke 24:13-27
Station V – Jesus is recognized in the breaking of bread.
Reading: Luke 24:28-35
Station VI – Jesus appears to a group of the apostles behind closed doors.
Reading: Luke 24:36-43

Station VII – Jesus empowers his disciples to forgive sins.
Reading: John 20:21-23

Station VIII – Jesus confirms the faith of Thomas.
Reading: John 20:24-29

Station IX – Jesus appears on the shore of lake Tiberias.
Reading: John 21:1-14
Station X – Jesus commissions Peter to take care of his flock, the Church.
Reading: John 21:15-17

Station XI – Jesus entrusts his disciples with his mission to the whole world.
Reading: […]

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Die Feier der Eucharistie auf dem Weg nach Emmaus

Dritter Sonntag nach Ostern – Lesejahr A
Die Weltkirche liest an diesem Sonntag die Emmausgeschichte. Deutschland hat dieses Evangeli­um bereits am Ostermontag gelesen.
Wie so oft kann man auch über diesen Evangeliumstext verschiedene Überlegungen anstellen. Ich schlage vor, die Parallelen von Lk 24, 13-35 mit der Liturgie unserer Eucharistiefeier nach dem Rö­mischen Ritus zu bedenken.
Der Aufbau der Eucharistiefeier

Eingangsritus: vom Anfangslied bis zum Eröffnungsgebet.
Wortgottesdienst: von der ersten Lesung bis zu den Fürbitten.
Mahlgottesdienst: von der Gabenbereitung bis zum Gebet nach der Kommunion.
Schlussritus: Segen, Entlassung und Schlusslied.

Diese vier Teile der Messfeier lassen sich in dem heutigen Evangelium, das die Begegnung Jesu mit den zwei Jüngern auf dem Weg nach Emmaus beschreibt, wiederfinden. In gewissem Sinne feiert Jesus mit ihnen eine heilige Messe.

Eingangsritus – Lk 24, 13-24
Wortgottesdienst – Lk 24, 25-27
Mahlgottesdienst: – Lk 24, 28-31
Schlussritus – Lk 24, 31-35

Im ersten Teil der Geschichte erleben wir die beiden Jünger, wie sie von Jerusalem […]

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Personal Mission Statement in 4 Steps

 1 May 2011, Nairobi
There was a weekend seminar for secondary school students who are financially sponsored by the Salesian Community where I now stay – Don Bosco Youth Educational Service (DBYES), Karen, Nairobi, Kenya.  The students go back to school this week after their April holidays.  These 29 students are part of a larger project run by the Salesians of Don Bosco in Kenya and Tanzania, that sponsors almost 800 students, thanks to a legacy left behind by an American gentleman. During the weekend, I facilitated two sessions aimed at assisting the students to come up with their own personal mission statement in four steps.
1. As the first step in this process each participant was invited to do a personal SWOT Analysis: in a quadrant they write down their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.  Basically strengths and weakness […]

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