Prayer of Letting Go…
Month: February 2011
Interceding for others
Praying with the Bible 4: Lectio Divina in Groups
Jesus Prayer
Beyond The Secret
(Rhonda Byrne, The Secret. New York: Atria Books, 2006)
I had heard a lot about the book that followed the sensational video production. I looked for an opportunity to read it. And in the recent months almost every bookshop I entered had the book exhibited at the entrance among bestsellers. I couldn’t get to read the book since I kept giving out as gifts the copies I had bought. Then mysteriously one day the book came to me. That is THE SECRET: you get what you want!
I thought the people – young people – who had received gifts of this book from me also deserved a serious review of the same. Secrets are always tempting. It is important to look at them critically.
To begin with, let me summarize the contents of the book in the following simple points:
1. What is this book about? It is about a law: The Law of […]