If you are praying alone, before you begin, you might want to write down on a piece of paper five of your favourite sentences from various sections of the Bible. Let each sentence be short enough for you to say it in one movement of breathing in and out. Feel free to paraphrase them.
Using prayer beads could be helpful too.
Sit and calm yourself down. Take a comfortable posture with your feet flat on the floor if you are seated on a chair, and keep your back straight. Hold the prayer bead in your hand. Close your eyes.
Become aware of the fact that you are breathing. Do not manipulate your breathing. Just be aware that you are breathing in and out. As you breathe out, relax the different parts of your body: have you closed your eyes too tight? Relax your facial muscles and your lower jaw. Relax your neck, your shoulders, and above all, your abdomen. Keep your back straight. Enjoy the moment.
When you are ready begin with one of the sentences from the Bible. Say the sentence within yourself. For the first part of the sentence, breathe in. For the second part, breathe out. As you do this, let the beads pass through your fingers.
Do this calmly and at a comfortable rhythm.
When you finish one decade on the beads, you could pause for a while. Become aware of your thoughts and feelings. Then continue with the same sentence or another for the next decade.
After 20 to 30 minutes, end the prayer by making an offering of your thoughts and feelings to the greater glory of God.