Sermon for Cycle A – 8th Sunday Homily

Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof (Cf. Mt 6:34)
Here in Nairobi, I stay in a community which provides facilities and programmes for youth trainings and retreats. When I was in this community six years ago, we created a labyrinth in the premises. A labyrinth is a maze-like structure in which people walk prayerfully, and often experience peace and tranquillity. The labyrinth that we have constructed is a type of a prayer garden – you go through one entrance, walk all the way to the centre, and then you make your way out of the labyrinth through another path, finally exiting not far from where you entered. As people walk through these winding ways there are stations to stop by, where they are invited to do some simple symbolic actions in a prayerful way. When I wrote the instructions for these stations, little did […]

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