Sermon for 2nd Sunday of Easter – Homily

From a Communitarian faith to a Personal Experience of Jesus
Today, as we conclude the octave of Easter – eight day celebration of this great feast – the Gospel passage of today concludes the series of events that we heard read on the morning of Easter, eight days ago.  John 20: 1-10 was the Gospel of the liturgy of the Easter morning.  It narrated to us how Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, found it empty and came to tell the apostles.  On hearing this Peter and the Beloved disciple ran to the tomb, they saw the empty tomb and the linen; and the Beloved Disciple believed in the resurrection. The following section of the gospel of John (20:11-18), the one about Jesus’ appearance to Mary Magdalene was read during liturgy on Tuesday.  Today we heard read the remaining sections of […]

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