Sermon for Cycle A – 27th Sunday Homily: Spiritual Redundancy

Are you protected against Spiritual Redundancy?
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A
(Isaiah 5: 1-7; Psalm 79; Philippians 4: 6-9; Matthew 21: 33-43)
 ‘Redundancy’ is a word that you hear so often these days!  More and more people are being made redundant, given the current economic environment.  Since my return to theUK, this August, after being away for some months, I have heard at least three people explicitly speak to me about either they themselves or someone else in their family having been made redundant recently. They have lost their jobs.
We should not allow the profit-driven corporate institutions, or the civil services controlled by budget-cuts after years of excessive spending, to make a statement on our self-worth as individuals.  Redundancy might have nothing to do with individuals’ talents and skills.  Simply, the game of Monopoly that is being played by the corporate world should not make us feel that we are […]

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