How to Study 4 – Improve your Reading

Importance of Reading
Aristotle said, “Man is what he knows”.  Someone rephrased it as, “Man is what he thinks the whole day.”  Reading not only gives you something to think about, but also makes you think.  Reading makes your mind active, it stimulates creative.  Without reading you thoughts could become redundant and your actions follow your thoughts.
If you analyse the history of human ideas, those who contributed to history were invariably voracious readers.  Karl Marx for instance learnt everything in a library, as he himself was a librarian.  As priests and educators we are constantly called upon to give talks, seminars and sermons.  So we need ideas.  If you look for ideas on that day, you may not get it, nor will you know how where to find it.  Reading is a habit that has to be cultivated when you are still young, especially when you are a student.
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