Sermon for Cycle A – 23rd Sunday: Being a Prophet

The Prophetic Role of a Christian (Mt 18:15-20)
23rd Sunday – Year A
 Faced with an enemy or an unjust aggressor, an animal has basically three options (3 F’s): Flight, Fight and Freeze. In danger, a rabbit always runs away (flight). When a snake perceives danger, its first option is to run away.  When it realises that it cannot run away it attacks; it spits its venom (fight).  The tortoise does not have horns or poison to attack, neither does it have speed to escape, its option is to freeze – to pull itself inward and pretend that it is dead.
Faced with an unpleasant situation we humans too have the above options. What do you do when we come across situations we don’t like in the street, or even in our parish community?  Try to recall an occasion when you were at a meeting and you didn’t like the way the discussion […]

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