How do I move from away asking favours, to a deeper conversation with God in prayer?

Father Selvam,
I very much enjoy your sermons and reflections. I have been used to praying by asking God for favours, but as you often invite your readers to, I would like to experience having a deeper connection and conversation with God. I was told that one can experience this by sitting quietly and focusing on the Holy Eucharist, I have tried this for a few short times and find other thoughts creeping into my mind and getting distracted. Would you please share with me how I can pray effectively, and particularly the Jesus prayer.
Thanks and best regards, B.
Dear B,
Thank you very much for your interest in prayer, and taking the time to write a query to me.  It is really the grace of God (Spirit of God)  that leads us in prayer.  Therefore, I would like to invite you to appreciate the presence of the Spirit in your decision to move […]

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Lectio Divina

Sahaya G. Selvam, SDB
Lectio Divina Kwa Vijana
Tangu mwaka 1985, imekuwa desturi katika Kanisa Katoliki kuadhimisha Jumapili ya Matawi kuwa Siku ya Vijana Duniani. Aidha, kila mwaka katika adhimisho hili Baba Mtakatifu huwa anatoa ujumbe maalumu kwa ajili ya vijana duniani kote.  Hata mwaka huu wa 2006, katika adhimisho la 21 la Siku ya Vijana Duniani (9 April 2006), Baba Mtakatifu ametoa ujumbe kwa vijana wote: “Dhamira ninayopendekeza kwenu ni kutoka Zaburi 119: 105 –  “Neno lako ni taa ya kuniongoza, na mwanga katika njia yangu.”
Katika ujumbe wake anasisitizia kuwa vijana wa siku hizi tunaishi katika mazingira magumu yenye falsafa za uongo na maadili potofu.  Katika mazingira haya ya giza Neno la Mungu ndilo linaloweza kuiangaza njia yetu.
Papa anatukumbushia maneno ya mwandishi wa Waraka kwa Waebrania anayesema: “Neno la Mungu ni hai na lina nguvu; ni kali kuliko upanga wenye makali kuwili. Hukata kabisa mpaka mahali ambapo moyo […]

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Via Lucis – Version 2

A pious exercise called the Via Lucis has developed and spread to many regions in recent years. Following the model of the Via Crucis, the faithful process while meditating on the various appearances of Jesus – from his Resurrection to his Ascension – in which he showed his glory to the disciples who awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit (cf. John 14, 26; 16, 13-15; Lk 24, 49), strengthened their faith, brought to completion his teaching on the Kingdom and more closely defined the sacramental and hierarchical structure of the Church.
Through the Via Lucis, the faithful recall the central event of the faith – the resurrection of Christ – and their discipleship in virtue of Baptism, the paschal sacrament by which they have passed from the darkness of sin to the bright radiance of the light of grace (cf. Col 1, 13; Eph 5, 8).
For centuries the Via Crucis involved the faithful in […]

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Being Here and Now

Sit and calm yourself.  Take a comfortable posture, with your feet flat on the floor if you are seated on a chair, and keep your back straight. Close your eyes.
Become aware of the fact that you are breathing.  Do not manipulate your breathing.  Just be aware that you are breathing in and out.  As you breathe out, relax the different parts of your body: have you closed your eyes too tight?  Relax your facial muscles.  You can actually let go of your lower jaw without opening your mouth.  Enjoy the moment.
Relax your neck, your shoulders, and above all your stomach. Keep your back straight.
Keep paying attention to your breathing.  Each time you realise your mind was wandering, bring back your attention to your breathing. Be here and now!
Now and then become aware of your feelings.  How do you feel?
End the exercise by becoming aware of the fact that you are in the presence of God.  Be at peace!

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Der Kreuzweg Afrikas

Der Kreuzweg Afrikas

Sahaya G. Selvam, SDB

Übersetzt von Karlklaus Klemme

Jesus wird verurteilt

Jesus wird auch heute noch zu Unrecht zum Opfer
Als die Menschen herbeikamen und Steine nach dir warfen,
fragtest du sie unerschrocken,
„Ich habe euch soviel Gutes getan,
für welche meiner Taten verurteilt ihr mich.“
Das war, als die Zeit noch nicht gekommen war.
Jetzt gibst Du auf ohne ein Wort;
denn es ist Zeit.
Du stehst da wie irgendein anderer Mensch.
Verdammt zu einem grausamen Tod.
Ecce Homo!
Du wirst fälschlich der Blasphemie und des Verrats beschuldigt.
Du wirst zum Opfer schlechter Religion und unrechter Politik.
Religion und Staat, die Bewahrer des menschlichen Individuums
haben Dich jetzt zu ihrem Opfer gemacht.
Ecce Homo!
ich gedenke der Opfer
schlechter Religionen und schlechter Politik in Afrika,
der politischen Gefangenen, jener Bedrohten, Gefolterten und Ermordeten,
der Tausenden von Stimmen, unterdrückt
durch die grausamen Hände der Politik,
der Gefangenen in angstzentrierten Religionen,
der vom Hexenwahn gehetzten,
der von religiösen Führern Missbrauchten,
jener Tausenden von Herzen, die es nicht wagen […]

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