Sermon for 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Homily: The Widow!

She put in everything she possessed
Mark 12:38-44
As a young priest, soon after my ordination, I served in a rural parish in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, for almost three years.  Those days, every Friday afternoon, accompanied by a woman-catechist, I would go to the district hospital ministering there, and then also visit the people who are elderly and sick in their homes.  On one of those Friday-visits to the hospital I met an elderly lady, who was very seriously ill. She was baptized the previous Easter and had been in our RCIA (catechumenate) group.  As I was anointing her, somehow inside me there was a feeling that she is going to be alright.  So after the prayers I told the lady, who could hardly open her eyes, that she was going to be fine. Sure enough, she got well. After […]

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Sermon for Trinity Sunday – Year B Homily

Trinity Sunday – Year B
God in Three: Our experience of the Divine
 At the recommendation of a friend of mine, some years back, I ventured into reading The Shack.  With over 10 million copies in print, and raising a lot of questions among the churches, the book had become controversial. Here is the story-line in brief:
Mack, the main character of the story, receives an invitation from ‘Papa’ to visit the shack – a hut in the forest.  From his scanty religious background, Mack knows that Papa is God himself. Four years prior to this invitation, Mack had lost his daughter Missy from a camping site.  Since then he had been overcome by, what he calls, “The Great Sadness.”   He decides to respond to the invitation and spend the weekend at the shack.  […]

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