Sermon for the Feast of All Saints

saints64The Saints Inspire, and we can Imitate them
All Saints Day (Nov 1, 2015)
 Why Saints? Because they inspire us
In 2009, when the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux were being taken around the UK, the euphoria of the people who went to pay homage took the sceptics by surprise.  In the secular Britain, an estimated 290,000 people paid their respects to St Thérèse, in 20 churches.  However, I must say, I heard the most cynical remarks about the relics only from my fellow priests.  In any case, one of those nights I was called to help out with confessions at the Westminster Cathedral.  As I sat at St George’s chapel, hearing the sincere confessions of some pilgrims, I watched the others file by the relics.  But what touched me most was the crowds of people who sat at various positions in […]

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Sermon for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Homily – I wonder

Hmmm I-wonder if...24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
Who do you say I am?
 Jerome W. Berryman is known for his “Godly Play” method of reflecting on a gospel story. One of the techniques used in Godly Play is the use of “wondering questions”. I would like to use the method of wondering questions to reflect/pray with the gospel text of today.
For a full sermon on this passage (Mk 8:27-35): CLICK HERE
For a sermon on the Matthean version of the story: CLICK HERE
I wonder if Jesus’ question: “Who do people say I am” is part of a search for his own identity?
I wonder why people would relate Jesus to John the Baptist and Elijah?
I wonder if Jesus’ question: “who do you say I am” is addressed to me?
I wonder what would be my […]

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4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sermon – Year B homily: Meaning of Celibacy

heartdivided_2You give your undivided attention to the Lord (1Cor 7:35)
 Note: This reflection is based on the second reading of this Sunday.  If you wish to have a sermon on the gospel reading of today, click here.
There are some people who argue that priestly celibacy has no Biblical basis.  According to them celibacy is merely a later invention of the Catholic Church. It might be an historical fact that Catholic priesthood being compulsorily associated with celibacy would have evolved through the centuries.  At the same time it is not fair to deny the Biblical basis of celibacy.
In the first reading of today, once again we hear Paul evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of marriage and celibacy in the context of one’s undivided intimacy with the Lord.  Paying some attention to what […]

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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sermon – Year B Homily: Be not engrossed in the world!

hardy-water-lily-2Be not engrossed in the world (1Cor 7:31)
 Note: This reflection is based on the second reading of this Sunday.  If you wish to have a sermon on the gospel reading of today, click here.
The Word of God during Sunday liturgies, particularly during the Ordinary Time, has a pattern. This year being Cycle B (divide the year 2015 by 3, the remainder is 2, hence Cycle B) we continue to listen to the Gospel of Mark.  The first reading of the Sunday liturgy is usually chosen from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) to match the theme of the gospel text. The second reading is normally sequential.  For now we continue to listen to the First Letter of St Paul to the Corinthians.
The second reading of today may seem a little bit weird (1Cor […]

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Sermon for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B – Your Body is the Temple of the HS

imagesCA4DGIUHYour Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 6:19)
 Note: This reflection is based on the second reading of this Sunday.  If you wish to have a sermon on the gospel reading of today, click here.
If you were to take a stroll along a typical high street in a modern city, you notice the exaggerated importance given to the care of the human body.  One could have the same impression if they surveyed the shelves in a typical supermarket. Besides food and medicine, we have a vast variety of products for the care of beauty and wellness of almost every part of the body, from toe-nails to the hair on our head.  Products meant for care of skin, nail and hair themselves amount to a huge market.  In brief, we spend far more resources (including  time) to care for […]

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