Sermon for 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily

I say, “Leave me, Lord!” God says, “Do not be afraid!” Lk 5
5th Sunday in ordinary time – year C
There is this musical called, ‘The Witness’ by Jimmy & Carol Owens. It is a musical which narrates the life and ministry of Jesus as witnessed by the apostle Peter. Early in the narration Peter sings:
 Nothin’ ever happens here in Galilee,
You just follow in the footsteps of your family.
Be a fisherman like people say you’re meant to be,
Go down to the boat| Throw your net in the sea|
Take your turn at the car| Hoist the sail|
Mend the net| Clean the fish|
cut the bait|Ya da dum|  Da da dee|
Oh|  Nothin’ ever happens to me|
Then Jesus came and all of our lives were changed.
A few years back, in an attempt to define prayer, I said, “Prayer is becoming aware of who I am in the […]

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Sermon for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk 4:21-30)
The Rejection of God
Have you ever been rejected by a group of people?  If you are a teacher – and a capable one, you might have an experience of being rejected by a class.  If you are a preacher – and an effective one at that, you might have an experience of being rejected by a congregation.  If you are a speaker or a performer you might have an experience of being rejected by an audience.  If you have attempted to love some people in your life, perhaps you may have experienced being rejected by another person.
In the gospel story of today – a sequel to the gospel passage of last Sunday – Jesus experiences rejection.  He is rejected by the people […]

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Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C Homily

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21)
Good News to the poor
One of the popular books that have inspired me a great deal is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.  Supposedly, the book has sold more than 25 million copies in 38 languages since its first publication in 1989.   I must say, the book has played an important role in improving my effectiveness, and I have used it to train many young people in Africa and India. The second habit of highly effective people, according to Stephen Covey is to, “Begin with the End in Mind!”  This, simply means having a personal vision of life, setting realistic goals, and even writing out a personal mission statement.
We are in the beginning of the ordinary time of the liturgical year.  Today we are beginning to listen to […]

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Sermon for Baptism of the Lord

Baptism of the Lord:
Called to be Active Participants
 As a priest while administering the sacrament of baptism to groups of infants, I have often noted with much curiosity the variety of infant-reaction to the ceremony of the baptism itself. There are basically three types of behaviour as infants react to, the priest, the water, the oil, the white cloth, the light, and the crowd itself that is around during the celebration of the sacrament of baptism:

There are the sharp-eyed infants, who watch every movement with keen curiosity. They are like the spectators at the tennis court, moving their head towards every stimulus.  They are generally quiet but active. When the parents and god-parents are presented with the candle, for instance, these infants would also try to reach out and insist on holding […]

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Sermon for New Year – Year A, B, C – Homily

New Year – Mary, Mother of God
“May the Lord Bless you” (Num 6:24)
 Today is a day of blessing.  In this New Year, God has blessed us with another opportunity to grow in love, to come closer to Him, and to experience Him in the person of Jesus.
Today is a day of blessing. We honour Mary – she who was blessed among women – as the mother of God.  “When the appointed time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman…” (Gal 4:4).
Today is a day of blessing. On this eighth day after Christmas we remember the naming ceremony of Jesus.  We bless and honour the holy name of Jesus.  We acknowledge that there is power and blessing in the name of Jesus. As St Paul tells us in Phil 2:9, 10: “And for this God raised him high, […]

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