The Ubiquity of the Character Strengths in African Traditional Religion: A Thematic Analysis

Selvam, S.G. & Collicutt, J. (2013), The ubiquity of the character strengths in African Traditional Religion: A thematic analysis. In Knoop, H.H. & Delle Fave, A. (Eds.), Well-Being and Cultures: A Positive Psychology Perspective (pp 83-102). Heidelberg: Springer.

Positive psychology has relied on world philosophical and religious traditions for its understanding and classification of core virtues and character strengths and in demonstrating their ubiquity across cultures. However, in this endeavour, reference to African traditional religion (ATR) is minimal. The aim of the present qualitative study was to discern if the ubiquity of character strengths extends to ATR. The catalogue of Values in Action (VIA) was chosen as the coding template; some anthropological textual data on the life cycle of the individual, collected in Nairobi, Kenya, were used as the data set. Using a hybrid approach of deductive data analysis and inductive theme development, thematic equivalents were identified, and further validated with […]

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My PhD dissertation: Character Strengths, Christian mindfulness & Recovery from Addiction

Character strengths as mediators in a mindfulness based intervention for recovery from addictive behaviour: a study in psychology of religion and positive psychology
Sahaya G. Selvam, PhD (University of London)
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There is an increasing interest in studying the association between spirituality and recovery from addiction. A few studies have already explored the mediators of the association, but rarely have they attempted to elucidate the association within a viable theoretical framework. The present study attempted to address this need.  Beginning with the conceptualization of religion and spirituality, the study considered the possibility of a construct called ‘religious spirituality’. Working within an epistemology of hermeneutical realism, this project in psychology of religion (PR) proposed positive psychology (PP) as a multidimensional theory, and opted for a mixed method approach integrating quantitative and qualitative data.
The literature review showed several parallels between the dimensions of spirituality as explored within PR and the list of character strengths as […]

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Psychology of Religion: Insights for Education in India

 Selvam, S.G. (2011). “Psychology of Religion: Insights for education in India”. In Pudumai et al (eds.) Education of the Young in Today’s India (pp.139-165). Chennai:  Don Bosco Publications.
Click Link to Download article in Pdf : ” Sel PsychRel Education in India“
Psychology of Religion is a well acknowledged branch of psychology that employs the theoretical framework and methodology of general psychology to examine the influence of religious phenomena on human mind and behaviour.  Generally, cognitive psychology and developmental psychology have played an important role in shaping educational policy and practice.  In this chapter, the author argues that psychology of religion also can contribute a great deal to educational practice. If education is understood, particularly in the Indian tradition, as not merely acquiring knowledge but as shaping of the individual, then the […]

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Christianity and Life Skills Training of Youth: Towards HIV Prevention in Africa

On the one hand, faced with accelerating change in the society, African youth have become victims of situations that the society is unable to handle.  This could be one of the causes of the fast spread of HIV/AIDS in the continent.  To combat this situation, young people need systematic life skills training.  On the other hand, religions have their social functions; they are agents of the socialization process of their adherents, especially in Africa, where religion still greatly affects social life.  The essay concludes therefore that mainstream religions have greater responsibility and possibility to provide young people with training in life skills to better face the changing situations in the society. The essay goes on to delineate some strategies in carrying out this task.


Youth as a stage in the development […]

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Uhai Tele: Radio Programme in Swahili – now in 5CDs

Uhai Tele
This is a collection of 5 CDs. Each CD contains 10 audio programmes of 30 minutes each.  Every episode is a conversation between Mr. Prosper Dionis and Fr Sahaya G. Selvam on matters pertaining to Christian life and spirituality in Swahili for young people.  The radio programmes were broadcast on several Catholic channels in Tanzania, and now there are requests for the programmes in CD format.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR SPONSORS TO DUPLICATE THE CDS, WHICH ARE IN 5 VOLUMES.  Initially we would like to make 200 copies of each volume.  This will cost $1000.  You are welcome to sponsor!  Or alternatively, you could also enter into a business deal with us.
Programu iliyoandaliwa na DonBosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES, Tanzania) – kwa ushirikiano wa […]

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