Benefits of Good Shepherd Catechesis

{{unknown}}Benefits of Good Shepherd Catechesis among Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Kenya
Sahaya G. Selvam
Lucia Munyiva
Since Martin Luther, religious education has largely been identified with catechism that used question and answer method, particularly in the Catholic church. For a person with intellectual disability, this offers a grave difficulty in religious formation. Could there be alternatives? The present study aimed at exploring the benefits of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for children living with intellectual disabilities. The participants were 23 children and 9 care-givers in a Catholic context in Kenya. Observation guides and interviews were used to collect data that showed that children with intellectual disabilities had the ability to spontaneously relate with the spiritual world, and in some cases, with Jesus. The findings confirmed that the CGS offers children with special needs the space, tools, and time to get in touch with […]

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Defining Youth: Pastoral Implications for Africa

“Youth” is a greasy term that slips out of the grip of any definition. Yet, everyone talks about youth, in academics, pastoral ministry, and daily life. Is the concept of youth that straightforward?  Take, for instance, the age criterion in defining youth.  The age-range could be as low as 12 years, as it is the case in the Ugandan Youth Policy (Uganda, 2001), and as high as 35 years, as in Kenyan constitutions, or even 40 years as in Malaysian Youth Policy.  Other people offer a descriptive definition of youth in terms of energy, dynamism, and vitality. Today, as life-expectancy gets prolonged in most countries, people live very energetic and active life when they are 80 years and more. So, does a person of 80 qualify to be classified as youth? How […]

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Young Adults’ Awareness and Commitment to Use Character Strengths

Against the backdrop of HIV prevention trainings, young adults in Kenya have had ample opportunities to develop their life-skills. But are they aware of the wide spectrum of their character strengths and the opportunity to use and develop character strengths in their lives and career? A five-step assessment was carried out on the character strengths awareness among 20 young adults (aged between 18 and 30 years) selected for this study. The assessment set to find out if these participants were aware of their individual character strengths and how much they were putting them to deliberate use to advance their careers and social relationships. The findings of the study indicate a disconnect between awareness of strengths and the commitment to use them as a springboard for personal, relational and […]

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Synod on the Youth 2018: The Goal of Accompaniment of Youth

Accompaniment suggests a journey. Every journey presupposes a destination, an end, a goal, a telos. What is the end of the accompaniment of youth? The theme of the Synod for Youth 2018 aims at accompanying
the young on their existential journey to maturity so that, through a process of discernment, they discover their plan for life and realize it with joy, opening up to the encounter with God and with human beings, and actively participating in the edification of the Church and of society (Vatican, 6/10/2016).
The theme suggests maturity of youth as the end of the process of accompaniment and discernment. What is maturity? The proposed chapter will offer the benchmarks of maturity from a psycho-spiritual perspective, in an attempt at defining the goal of the accompaniment process.
Psychologists and social scientists […]

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Policy and Challenges of Contextualization for School-based Counselling in Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Dr. Chika Eze, SHCJ. Lecturer, Institute of Youth Studies, Tangaza University College. The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P. O. Box 15055, 00509 Nairobi-Kenya. Email:
Rev. Dr. Sahaya G. Selvam, sdb. Associate Professor, Graduate Programmes’ Coordinator, Institute of Youth Studies –Tangaza University College. The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P .O. Box 15055, 00509 Nairobi. Email:
Josephine Adibo, RSCJ. University Counsellor. The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, P. O. Box 62157-00200 Nairobi- Kenya. Email:
Mandu Selepe. University Counsellor. University of Limpopo, Turfloop Campus. Private Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, South Africa. Email:
Sewela Monicca Ramaboea. Clinical Psychologist, P. O. Box 3239, Polokwane, 0700. South Africa. Email:
Globally, learners in schools are exposed to psychological stressors that often warrant provision of counselling services as preemptive and curative measures to maintain their mental health. Consequently, schools at all levels are required to provide […]

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