Start off now, I am sending you out…
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk 10:1-12, 17-20)
A few years ago, a priest wrote a short reflection in the Diocesan Newsletter of the Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya. The reflection was entitled, “Away with Motorcars and Aeroplanes”. The point that he was trying to make in that provocative reflection was that early missionaries had to walk long distances on foot; some others used mules or horses for their journey. They had to use ships to cross oceans. It was much slower in terms of speed, but their message was deeper and far-reaching because of their earnestness and passion. Since many missionaries had to walk they had personal contact with the people; and wherever they stopped over in the course of […]
Author: selvam
Sermon for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C Homily
Follow the Kingdom with a Single-Minded Devotion
There are several films on Jesus. Each movie has its own take on the life and message of Jesus as narrated by the Gospels and, sometimes also, using extra-biblical sources. One of my own favourite films on Jesus is Jesus of Nazareth, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, and produced by Rai-Uno, the Italian TV Channel. In fact, it was originally produced as a TV serial in1977, and later distributed in film form in different languages.
There is one particular scene in that film, that is worth recalling here in the context of the gospel text of today. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” they say. Even with the limitation of words in comparison to image, let me attempt to describe the scene: one evening, Jesus and his first […]
One Minute Spirituality – on YouTube
Conceptualising and Measuring Hospitality in Relation to Wellbeing in Kenya: Is Hospitality a Character Strength?
{{unknown}}Conceptualising and Measuring Hospitality in Relation to Wellbeing in Kenya: Is Hospitality a Character Strength?
Sahaya G. Selvam,
Joyce Wanjiru Kiige &
Jeketule Soko
Part of the Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology book series (CAPP,volume 16)
Hospitality is recognised as a salient value across most cultures, including in Africa. Yet, empirical research is narrowly focused on the hospitality industry. Psychological studies on hospitality are lacking. Therefore, the present research, consisting of three studies, explored hospitality within the theoretical framework of character strengths and wellbeing. Study 1 examined the perception of hospitality among several ethnic groups in Kenya and identified dimensions that define hospitality: spending time with guests, enjoying their presence, having long conversations, not being disturbed when guests arrive unannounced, welcoming them in one’s residence, providing good food, making sacrifices to make them feel at home, and providing comfortable accommodation. Based on the qualitative data, in Study 2, […]