Jesus Prayer – Audio CD in MP3 format

Learn to meditate in 7 Steps

Fr Sahaya G. Selvam, SDB takes you through an ancient method of Christian Contemplative Practice: the Jesus Prayer.

These 7 steps introduce you to a method of prayer and contemplation that has been used in the Christian tradition at least since the 4th century.  It consists in reverently repeating the name of Jesus.  There is power in the name of Jesus.

In some of the steps, we suggest you use a prayer bead. However, this is not very crucial to the technique.  The prayer bead can act as an anchor.

Every session of meditation begins and ends with a few minutes of instrumental music. The sessions are timed as indicated in the list of contents.  Timing is marked by the clang of the bell. Choose the session according to the availability of time and your own maturity in the practice.

Practice of Jesus prayer is said to promote psychological and spiritual wellbeing, particularly freedom from addictive behaviour.

Just relax.  Enjoy your meditation.


Introduction (3 minutes)

Step 1: Being Here and Now (17 minutes)

Step 2: Let it be! (17 minutes)

 Step 3: Centring Prayer in Common (17 minutes)

 Step 4: Gentle introduction to Jesus Prayer (17 minutes)

 Step 5: Personal Jesus Prayer (17 minutes)

 Step 6: Maturing in Jesus Prayer (24 minutes)

Step 7: Jesus Prayer (24 minutes)

For further information or to share your experiences with this practice, contact: selvam<at>

Copies of this audio CD are available from BEAMS, DBYES, Karen, Nairobi; and Catholic Bookshop, Nairobi.