1st Sunday of Advent – Year B Homily: Integration

integrationWaiting for the Lord:  from rigidity and chaos to integration
1st Sunday of Advent – Year B
 In some of our institutions in Asia and Africa we have watchmen or security personnel. I am talking about the day-watchmen particularly those who mind the gates, not the night-watchmen, who are actually paid to sleep in our properties!  (The only night-watchman I have ever come across who we knew was not sleeping at night actually went mad after doing his job so conscientiously for three months.) In any case, I think, there are three types of watchmen – sorry for not being gender-sensitive here, since I have also come across security women these days!  There are the rigid ones; there are the chaotic ones; and then the integrated ones.  The rigid ones prefer to stand or sit […]

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Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily

Servant_LeadershipWhat is your preferred style of leadership?
 ‘Leadership’ is a much discussed topic today, not only in politics but also in the corporate world.  Management trainers at business schools discuss concepts such as Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Visionary Leadership, and Shepherd Leadership. Most of these terminologies have their origins in Christian background.
On the other hand, some research findings have suggested that to be a CEO or an MD in some multinationals of the globe one has to be a heartless go-getter, almost bordering the behaviour of a psychopath.  They are merely profit-oriented, and care less for human beings.
The feast of today is an occasion to pause and reflect about our own leadership styles.   We may not be CEOs or top-brass politicians, but most of us might have a sort of charge over some […]

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Sermon for Cycle A – 32nd Sunday Homily: Lamps Full

The_Parable_of_the_Ten_Virgins-Ain-Vares Wisdom is keeping the Lamps full
 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A
 (Wis 6:12-16; 1The 4:13-18; Mt 25:1-13)
In October 2011, The Tablet, the Catholic Weekly published from the UK, ran a story entitled, “From Catwalk to the Convent”.   In the article, Vicky Mitchell gave a personal account of her experience in producing and directing a documentary on “Young Nuns” that was shown on BBC1 in the same week. First of all, after the lull in vocations in the UK since the 1960’s there seems to be some positive signs that more and more young women are considering the possibility of a religious vocation.  As the writer spoke to several novice mistresses, priests, vocation promoters, and to 15 young women who were actively discerning a vocation to religious life, she wonders: “The big […]

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