Research on Secularisation Among Young Adults

African scholars have claimed that African peoples are “notoriously religious”. Is this still the case? Empirical literature on the subject is meagre. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the antecedents, triggers and response of secularisation and spirituality among lapsed-Christian young adults in Nairobi, Kenya, the participants were aged between 18 and 35, who were baptised but have abandoned Christian faith in favour of secularisation or non-affiliated spirituality. Qualitative data, from semi-structured in-depth interviews among the 14 participants, sampled through a snowball process, was recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed by the two authors. Eleven emerging themes were identified from 10 hours of data. The first two themes suggest that mixed faith backgrounds of parents and discordant relationship within the family act as antecedents in adopting a […]

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Book for Sale

Habits make us. Habits also break us.
This book is about habits. It is a guide to getting rid of habits that break you and building habits that make you.
Habits that build you up and others around you goes to form your Character Virtue. Character Strengths are said to contribute to individual and collective wellebing.
In effect, this is not a book. It is a manual for a Christian pilgrimage towards inner freedom and wellbeing. It provides guidelines daily, for forty days.
There is something wonderful that is going to happen to you at the end of this pilgrimage. You are likely to have a renewed vision, restored motivation, and revitalized energy.
Walk one day at a time. Walk to inner freedom. Walk to the embrace of God.
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Sermon for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
Blessed are you…
In October 2000, I had the privilege of visiting the home village of the late Julius Nyerere, the father of the nation of Tanzania.  We were visiting the grave of this great Catholic, now a Servant of God and whose process of beatification is still in progress. In this dusty little village – Butiama, not far from Lake Victoria – world’s great leaders had gathered a year earlier to lay to rest the remains of the first president of Tanzania.   It was an awesome experience to note that an African president had spent his early days and the final days in this remote simple location: with no drive, no gates, no green lawn, no mansions.  As I stood praying at his grave, […]

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Sermon for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
“At once, leaving the boat and their father, they followed him” (Mt 4:12-23)
The gospel text of today from Matthew narrates to us the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus in Capernaum.  It was one of the principal towns around the lake of Galilee. It was on the trade route between the southern nations (that included even Egypt) and the northern lands of Syria and even Turkey. The Romans had established a customs office at Capernaum and a garrison managed by a centurion.  Traders had to give a large rate of tax for unprocessed goods like grain and olives.  Therefore, it is possible that besides the fishing industry Capernaum had a lot of processing units where grains were milled into flours and olives […]

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Sermon for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A Homily

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A
The Life Journey of John the Baptist (Jn 1:29-34)
 In the liturgical calendar, we are back to the ordinary time. But in our gospel reading there is an attempt to make the liturgy of today special.  Perhaps it is just to remind us that every Eucharistic celebration is special!  As we are in Year A, we should have been listening to the Gospel of Matthew.  But our gospel text for today came from the Gospel of John, as is the case every year on the 2nd Sunday in ordinary time. The liturgy of the 2nd Sunday invites us once again to focus on the figure of John the Baptist as if to bridge the season of Advent and Christmas with the rest of the year.  What can we learn from John the Baptist?  John invites us […]

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