4th Sunday of Easter Sermon – Cycle B Homily: Good Shepherd

4th Sunday of Easter – Year B
The Folly of the Love of the Shepherd (Jn 10:11-18)
The Maasai people ofEast Africaare a very interesting people. Their photogenic, elegant figures are used to advertise tourism inEast Africa.  But traditionally they were known for raiding the neighbouring tribes, and taking possession of their cattle. At least, so goes the legend! From these accounts one might think that the Maasai are a very violent people.  There is a mythical background, however, to why the Maasai raid the other tribes that have cows.  It is said that, in the beginning when God created the world… He created all the animals, and especially the cows.  Then He also created human beings – the Maasai, of course.  Then God entrusted the Maasai with all the cows in the world. Therefore all the cows in the world […]

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3rd Sunday of Easter Sermon – Cycle B Homily

3rd Sunday of Easter – Year B
Peace be with you
One sentence that we hear repeated so often in the Eastertide is, “Peace be with you.”  Every time Jesus appears to his apostles he greets them, “Shalom aleichem!”
Earlier, in the course of his farewell address to his apostles before his passion and death, Jesus had told them not to let their hearts be troubled at his going away: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you’; but he added ‘not as the world gives do I give to you” (Jn. 14:27). Again, he says to them, “I have said this to you so that you may have peace” (Jn. 16:33).  In the gospel text of today, he says yet again, “Peace be with you” (Lk 24:36).
‘Peace’ is a word which […]

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