Sermon for Cycle A – 33rd Sunday Homily

clipart-talents-300x191God is a gambler! He takes risks with me.
(Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1The 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30)
  The Kingdom of God is like…
Often Jesus comes up with stories that speak a contemporary language.  In the gospel, today, Jesus shows some sophisticated knowledge of market economy.  He seems to be aware of investment, interest rates, and stocks.  He would have surprised the disciples, to whom the parable is addressed, as a natural hedge-fund manager.
It would seem very trendy, therefore, to develop a sermon on entrepreneurship based on the gospel text of today.  But interpreted within the larger agenda of the mission of Jesus the parable is not about anything material.  “The kingdom of heaven is like…” (Mt 25:14), that is how the gospel narration begins. It is not even about one’s talents in music, public speaking or organisation! We shouldn’t be misled […]

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