Synod on the Youth 2018: The Goal of Accompaniment of Youth

Accompaniment suggests a journey. Every journey presupposes a destination, an end, a goal, a telos. What is the end of the accompaniment of youth? The theme of the Synod for Youth 2018 aims at accompanying
the young on their existential journey to maturity so that, through a process of discernment, they discover their plan for life and realize it with joy, opening up to the encounter with God and with human beings, and actively participating in the edification of the Church and of society (Vatican, 6/10/2016).
The theme suggests maturity of youth as the end of the process of accompaniment and discernment. What is maturity? The proposed chapter will offer the benchmarks of maturity from a psycho-spiritual perspective, in an attempt at defining the goal of the accompaniment process.
Psychologists and social scientists […]

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Sermon for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B Homily

Feeding the Soul:  “Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever” (Jn 6:58)
            Walking down the high streets of our cities today, you wonder, how our contemporary culture is so much obsessed with the human body.  Even those traditional commercial establishments that catered to our basic needs for food, clothing and medicine have taken different forms.  Grocery shops are giving way to restaurants, tailors are being replaced by designer clothes, and medical stores are adding on beauty products.  What amazes me is the bourgeoning industry of body care and cosmetics.  From the toes of our feet to the hair of the head, we spend so much of our resources to care for our bodies.  The care of skin, hair and nails is no more just a luxury for the rich.  Spas and Jacuzzi are becoming […]

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