12 Pargament: Religious Coping

Coping is a conscious effort to resolve a stress or a difficulty of intrapersonal or interpersonal nature, in order to manage or minimise stress or conflict. •When the effort to cope up is unconscious it could turn out to be a defence mechanism! Even conscious coping could be functional/ adaptive or dysfunctional/maladaptive.

Religion is one of the means used in coping – both functional and dysfunctional.  For instance, Cope Inventory (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989) has 15 conceptually distinct sub-scales/ dimensions of coping based on Folkman and Lazarus (1984), which include: active coping, planning, positive refraining, acceptance, humour, religion, using emotional support, using instrumental support, self-distraction, denial, venting, substance use, behavioural disengagement, and self-blame.  Notice that religion appears in the list.

Pargament has made extensive contribution to the exploration of the role of religion in coping.   According to him, seeking meaning (significance) is an important dimension of life, and related to wellbeing.  Events and situations […]

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APA Referencing Style

Though APA refers to American Psychology Association, APA referencing style is increasingly being used in social sciences.  Many journals require the use of APA referencing style in the manuscripts submitted for publication, hence many departments are also adopting the APA referencing style.
Basically APA RefStyle uses in-text referencing. At the end of the text, the cited sources appear in a “References List”.  Note that APA defers a great deal in its punctuation.
The present reference book for APA referencing style is the APA Publishing Manual – 6th Edition.  As the title of the Manual suggests, it is not just about  in-text referencing and references list.  The Manual offers guidelines on the outline of the research report, formatting of the layout, and the use of figures and tables, among other useful hints.
1. There is a very useful blog that can answer any of your queries on the proper use of APA Referencing Style. […]

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Multicultural Religious-Spirituality in Religious Life Today

Multicultural Religious-Spirituality in Religious Life Today
0.1.Change versus chaos = Integration:  Interaction with other cultures and diverse worldviews – even in international religious communities – would often entail some change in my own worldview. Faced with change we fear chaos.  True, too much change could bring about chaos.  Fearing chaos in the face of change we might tend to fall back to rigidity.  Some people tend to polarise these movements in terms of right and left, or as being conservative or progressive. The solution to this lies in integration.  Virtue lies in the ‘integrated’ middle! 
0.2.  Truth-claims and meaning: When it comes to most truths that we hold dear – most of which are products of a certain brainwashing by the institutions of culture and religion in which we have been brought up – we need to be humble to accept that they are only ‘truth-claims’ and not the absolute truth! Therefore, in […]

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