Homily for the feast of St Maria Dominica Mazzarello

“Every stitch an act of Love for God”
 I am really nervous about this homily: an SDB with meagre knowledge of Mary Mazzarello (MM) preaching to a group of FMA! Hence the written text!  I asked at least three sisters to do this homily, all refused; so here I am.
One way of escaping this predicament of my ignorance about MM is to say something very generic, as one SDB suggested.  But thanks to Sr Virginia, FMA, who gave me a cart-load of books, I shall say something related to MM.  So be prepared also for a lengthy homily – giving me time to show that I have tried to read the “cart-load of books”!
If I were to be preaching to a group of SDB, I could be an expert on MM if I were to say to them: MM was born […]

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