Tangaza and CUEA Peace Initiative, Nairobi

The general elections in Kenya in December 2007 ended in violence and riots killing over 1000 people and rendering thousands of others homeless or displaced.  Kenya is looking forward with anxiety to its next elections expected to take place in March 2013.  Politicians apparently have not given up their strategy in terms of polarising the electorate on the basis of tribal affiliations.  Happily, however, there are so many initiatives on the part of the civil societies that do not want history to repeat itself.

One such initiative is being  executed by the management and students of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa and the Tangaza College.  The student body of the  Nairobi University as well have now got involved in this project.   Several people are offering voluntary service in this project that will culminate in a Peace Caravan that will go around the country.  The Institute of Youth Ministry has been an active agent right from its inception.

I am personally  involved, together with my colleagues, in the training of trainers.  We are training about 75 university students (photo).  We are meeting  on four consecutive Saturdays (from 22 September to 13 October). The students have been very enthusiastic about the whole enterprise.  These trainees are expected to go out to train other young people to invite them to make a pledge for peace.

We pray: “God of all creation, bless this our land and nation!”