Salesian Buzzwords



The one who helps the Rector in the financial matters, caring for the assets and infrastructure of the community.
Becchi A farm area in thevillageofCastelnuovo D’astiin the region of Piedmont inNorthern Italywhere John Bosco was born.  Today the village is called Castelnuovo Don Bosco, and in Becchi stands a big church built to honour our founder – Colle Don Bosco.
Charism, Salesian A charism is the special contribution that a particular congregation makes in the church through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The Salesian Charism is the gift of the Spirit to the church to work for the salvation of young people in the style of St John Bosco
Coadjutor (Brother) A professed/consecrated member of the Salesian congregation who is a religious and not a priest.  In English he is simply called, ‘Brother’.  Originally in Italian he is called, ‘signore’ meaning Mr.
Co-operator Salesians These are members of the Salesian Family who contribute to the Salesian mission in their own environment.  After a period of formation they join this lay association by making a simple promise.
Da Mihi Animas Cetera Tolle The Latin motto of the Salesians, given to us by Don Bosco himself, which means, “Give me souls, take away the rest.”  It shows the orientation of the SDB to save the souls of young people – which means to work for their holistic growth.
Dean The one who helps the Rector, in the daily running of the local community, especially in the boarding context, following up the discipline of the boys.
Don The title for diocesan priests inItaly.  John Bosco was affectionately called by his boys, Don Bosco.
Economer One who helps the provincial in the administrative matters at the provincial level.
EPC Educative Pastoral Community is made up of the SDB, youth, teachers, lay collaborators, parents, etc who work together for the formation of a young person in a given Salesian setting.  Youth are the centre of the EPC and the Salesians its animating nucleus.  Consultations are held in a representative gathering called the Council of the EPC.
EPP Every local Salesian institution is expected to a have a sort of a roadmap for its pastoral interventions laid down in the Educative Pastoral Plan (EPP)
Family Spirit The style of Salesians as they live with and animate the young with familiarity and spontaneity.
FMA It is the Italian abbreviation for the Salesian Sisters whose official name is Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
Francis de Sales This saint fromSavoy(Northern Italy& France) is the patron of the Salesians.  We get our name from his.
General Chapter The highest decision making body of the Salesians that gathers together every six years.  It consists of all the provincials and a delegate from each province.  GC elects the Rector Major and his Council, together with laying down policies for the whole congregation.
God Sees You A phrase that Mama Margaret used to tell his boys, became the spiritual basis for Salesian presence, which is an imitation of God who is always watching over His people.
Good-night One of the long standing family traditions of the Salesians, since the time of Mama Margaret, who would tell stories to the boys before retiring to sleep.  Today in most Salesian communities all over the world, the practice of Good-night consists in the Rector or another person addressing the youth as the last thought of the day. Its main purpose is to evaluate the activities of the day and draw conclusions for the growth of the young people.
House Council Highest decision making body in the local community that assists the Rector in the mission and life of the community.
Initial Formation The years of preparation through education and accompaniment of a Salesian prior to the Final Profession or his priestly ordination.
Initiative & Flexibility Another pair of Salesian buzzwords that characterize their creativity.  Salesians are ever attentive to the signs of the times and love what the young people love, hence they are ready to be flexible.  Their initiative is expressed most when young people and their salvation is at risk.
Joy & Optimism One of the pairs of Salesian qualities that is part of their spirit  Optimism is an attitude that every boy is basically good, and joy consists in the celebration of life through festivities and the living out of daily life.
Letter fromRome A letter that Don Bosco wrote to his Salesians in 1884 fromRome, reminding the Salesians of the importance of their physical presence among the young people.
Local Community A Salesian ‘house’ with its Salesians, the youth and the collaborators, under the leadership of the Rector.
Mama Margaret The mother of Don Bosco.  Being a widow from the time John Bosco was two, she single-handedly brought up the three boys while looking after the mother-in-law.  Later, from 1846 to 1856 she stayed at Valdocco to look after the boys.  The process of her canonisation has been introduced.
Mary Help of Christians Don Bosco loved to honour Mary under this title. He built a huge church inTurinto honour her.
Mazzarello St Maria Dominica Mazzarello is the co-foundress of the FMA.
Ongoing Formation Formation that even one who is finally professed and ordained undertakes upon himself through personal reading, reflection, and annual retreats and meetings.
Oratory Originally simply means a place of prayer.  It is a way-side chapel or a place where catechism classes are held.  The ingenuity of Don Bosco was to create oratories in the playground, so as to accompany young people from recreational activities to catechesis.
Pastoral Charity The characteristic mark of Salesian Spirit trying to immediate Jesus, the Good Shepherd in their mission for the young.
Practical Training One of the stages of the initial formation of Salesians, consisting of at least two years of pastoral work among young people.
Presence, Salesian One of the important aspects of the Preventive System, which consists of a constant active presence of the educator among the youth. This presence is not meant to catch the young doing wrong but to help them avoid mistakes.
Preventive System The system of education that is an ingenious creation of Don Bosco, so called because it believes in preventing the mistakes of youth by appealing to their reason, using their sense of faith and through a loving presence among them.  It is a pedagogical methodology that begins with an experience of God, who guides His people through his foreseeing love and active presence among them. The preventive system is built on three pillars of reason, religion and loving-kindness.  It avoids corporal punishment.  It believes in explaining very clearly what is expected from the ward.  It consists in creating a family atmosphere where young people can express themselves spontaneously.
Province Since our congregation is the second largest in the Catholic Church for better administration it is divided into over 90 smaller units called, Province.  The head of the Province is provincial.
Provincial He is the head of the Province, who is ultimately responsible for everything in the Province. He is appointed by Rector Major after consultation.
Provincial Chapter The highest decision making body of the Salesians at the provincial level that gathers together every three years.
Provincial Council The consultative body of 5 to 7 Salesians who meet periodically to review the activities of the province and advice the Provincial accordingly.
Rector He is the head of the local Salesian community, and is ultimately responsible for everything in the institution.
Rector Major The superior-general of the Salesians.  He is the head of the Salesian congregation that consists of over 16,500 men.  He is also the spiritual father of the Salesian family.  He elected for a period of 6 years. His office is called the Generalate which is located inRome.
Rendiconto It is the friendly talk with the Rector.  Any member of the Educative Pastoral Community is welcome to have a confidential private friendly talk with the Rector, anytime, concerning the running of the institution and his/her own growth process in it.  To be available for this is one of the primary duties of the Rector.
Rua Michael Rua, one of the first boys to join the Salesian congregation, later became immediate successor to Don Bosco as the Rector Major.
Salesian Family The umbrella movement made up of member groups – religious and lay – which were directly started by Don Bosco or by Salesians.  These groups draw inspiration from Don Bosco and live his spirituality and contribute to the Salesian mission.  The SDB (Salesian congregation) is the first among the groups and are given the responsibility to co-ordinate the Salesian Family.
Salesian Spirit The style or the sum of the characteristics of the Salesians that is expressed in their life and mission.
SDB Salesians of Don Bosco; we are so called putting together the name of our patron, Francis de Sales and our founder, Don Bosco.
Strenna It is a message that the Rector Major gives every year to the members of the Salesian Family.
SYM Salesian Youth Movement is a unstructured umbrella of youth groups in the Salesian presence, that are brought together for common animation.
SYS Salesian Youth Spirituality is the practical means that Salesians offer to a young person to become holy.
Turin A major industrial city in the region of Piedmont inNorthern Italy.  John Bosco was born not far from here, and later began his work for his boys in 1841 in this city.
Valdocco An area/street in the Italian city ofTurin, where Don Bosco started his first oratory.  For us today it is an icon of the Salesian community – that is a home that welcomes, a church that evangelizes, a school that educates and a playground where friends meet each other.
VDB Volunteers of Don Bosco are members of one of the branches of Salesian family who make a promise to live single lives and contribute to the Salesian charism.
Vice Provincial One who helps the provincial, and takes his place in his absence.
Vice Rector One who helps the Rector and takes his place in his absence.  Usually the Vice-Rector is in-charge of one of the major sectors of responsibility.
Volunteers These are people who offer their gratuitous service to the Salesian mission for a specific period of time.
Vows The solemn commitment that Religious make in the Catholic Church.  The Salesians being religious too make the three vows of obedience, poverty and chastity.
Work & Temperance Another pair of Salesian buzzwords that describes the Salesians’ sense of hard work and moderation in the use of entertainment and comfort in their personal lives.
Youth Someone who is between the ages 13 to 30, on the onset of puberty and not yet married.
Youth Ministry Delegate One who helps the provincial in the pastoral matters at the provincial level.