Salesian Values in the African Culture

Inculturation of Salesian Charism in Africa – 2
            Missionary work is primarily a work of conversion, conversion understood in a holistic sense.  However, the missionary is really responsible for only one conversion, his own.  It is up to the Holy Spirit to do the rest. (Cf. Spearhead, No.120, p.64)  The missionary’s conversion consists in making a genuine effort to better understand and appreciate the culture of the people. If the missionary works on his own conversion, the latter would not only become easy, but would follow spontaneously.
            It was in this process of my own conversion that my previous article, “Salesian Presence Vs. Privacy in Africa”, was written for Harambee.  The article received several reactions, from within the province and from abroad. There was in general an appreciation of the attempt.  One such reaction from Moshi is published in this […]

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Salesian Presence Versus Privacy

Inculturation of Salesian Charism in Africa – 1
 Note: This is in no way a scientific work, but only a journalistic writing, originally written for Harambee (AFE newsletter) in 1993. There are two parts to this reflection.
Ndalani is a small Akamba village in Machakos district in Kenya.  Last May I had the opportunity to stay in this village for four full days.  I stayed and slept in a hut, which was part of a larger homestead.  I ate their food (muthokoi).  I bathed in the river.  I went visiting some families in the village and shared their food and friendship.  On the first morning of my stay, my Capuchin friend accompanied me to the river to bathe.  When we reached the river, he showed me the place where I could bathe.  Then he told me that while I could be bathing there, he would go about […]

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Salesian Buzzwords

The one who helps the Rector in the financial matters, caring for the assets and infrastructure of the community.

A farm area in thevillageofCastelnuovo D’astiin the region of Piedmont inNorthern Italywhere John Bosco was born.  Today the village is called Castelnuovo Don Bosco, and in Becchi stands a big church built to honour our founder – Colle Don Bosco.

Charism, Salesian
A charism is the special contribution that a particular congregation makes in the church through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The Salesian Charism is the gift of the Spirit to the church to work for the salvation of young people in the style of St John Bosco

Coadjutor (Brother)
A professed/consecrated member of the Salesian congregation who is a religious and not a priest.  In English he is simply called, ‘Brother’.  Originally in Italian he is called, ‘signore’ meaning Mr.

Co-operator Salesians
These are members of the Salesian Family who contribute to the Salesian mission […]

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Sunday Readings

The readings of the Liturgy of the Word during Sunday liturgy in the Catholic Church (as also is the case in some mainline churches) is arranged in a three year cycle:
Cycle A: From the Gospel of Matthew
Cycle B: From the Gospel of Mark
Cycle C: From the Gospel of Luke
How to find the respective cycle for a given year?
Divide the year (eg.2011) by 3.  If the reminder is 1 then we follow the readings of Cycle A.  If the reminder is 2 then we use the readings of Cycle B. If the reminder is 0 (that is, it is divisible by 3) then Cycle C.
To get the reminder, there is a short-cut: add all the digits of the numerical year (2+0+1+1=4). Divide the value by 3 (4/3).
In 2011 we are following the Cycle A.  Next year (2012) will be Cycle B.  And 2013 will be cycle C.

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Uhai Tele: Radio Programme in Swahili – now in 5CDs

Uhai Tele
This is a collection of 5 CDs. Each CD contains 10 audio programmes of 30 minutes each.  Every episode is a conversation between Mr. Prosper Dionis and Fr Sahaya G. Selvam on matters pertaining to Christian life and spirituality in Swahili for young people.  The radio programmes were broadcast on several Catholic channels in Tanzania, and now there are requests for the programmes in CD format.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR SPONSORS TO DUPLICATE THE CDS, WHICH ARE IN 5 VOLUMES.  Initially we would like to make 200 copies of each volume.  This will cost $1000.  You are welcome to sponsor!  Or alternatively, you could also enter into a business deal with us.
Programu iliyoandaliwa na DonBosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES, Tanzania) – kwa ushirikiano wa […]

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