What is it? The word ‘mindfulness’ is increasingly being used to refer to a whole range of meditation techniques. Several research findings have shown that meditation facilitates better physical, psychological and spiritual health. God-centred meditation has untold spiritual benefits. It opens up the person for an experience of God. This one-day training is meant to train the participant in Christian Mindfulness practices.
Specific contents: (1) Learn ‘Jesus Prayer’ (an ancient Christian Contemplative Practice) in 7 steps. (2) Learn how to journal – as a means to deal with your emotions and to grow spiritually. (3) Take a Labyrinth Walk through a prayer garden at DBYES getting in touch with yourself, God, and
Where? Don Bosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES); On Dagoretti Road (Between Karen Town and Dagoretti Market)
When? On 1 June 2011 (Madaraka Day). From 8.30am to 5pm.
For whom? Any Christian (aged 18 and above). It would be particularly beneficial to busy, professional city-dwellers.
Cost: Ksh.1000/- The cost includes two teas and a lunch, an audio CD, writing material, and the training.
Register: Before 25 March 2011 via email: selvam-at-donbosco.or.tz; or sms 0738372383. or with Jane: janerhoda-at-yahoo.com; 0733726275; or with Eddie ekabue-at-gmail.com