Praying with the Bible 4: Lectio Divina in Groups

a. In the presence of God

  • We begin with a hymn, which lets us become aware of what we are here for.  The hymn creates an environment of recollection and prayer.  The hymn gathers everyone together.
  • The leader greets everyone, invites them to feel at home, and introduces the theme of the word of God.
  • Everyone pauses to become aware of the presence of God, the Spirit in the community gathered in prayer.

b. Freedom to Listen

  • A moment of silence may lead us to become aware of our unworthiness. Each individual may propose something for which he seeks mercy from God.
  • Another way of doing this step in a group that meets regularly is for individuals mention, without being forced, how one has put into practice the personal decisions of the previous sharing.
  • Each invocation may be followed by common singing of Lord Have Mercy / Christ Have Mercy…
  • Or without individual invocations just the Lord have Mercy… may be sung by the whole group.
  • The leader may conclude this step with a spontaneous, but appropriate prayer.  (It is better not to borrow prayers from the Eucharistic celebration like.. May almighty God have mercy on us…)

c. Listening to the Word of God

  • The text selected for the day is read by someone, loudly, slowly and reflectively.
  • It may be reread. (It is meaningful to listen to the word when it is proclaimed, looking at the person who is reading rather than following it from the book. However, the book may be useful in the next step.)

d. Savouring the Word

  • Each one now quietly meditates on the word.
  • I may personally reread the text, but this is a stage to pray with the heart.  Not really to think about it intellectually.  I pick up a sentence or a phrase and keep repeating it within myself.  I become aware of the feeling that that sentence produces in me.
  • When I feel distracted I may come back to the same sentence, or move on to another, repeating it, and becoming aware of the feeling.  Then I move on.
  • I ask myself, What is God wanting to tell me, at this moment of my life, through this text?

e. Sharing of the Word

  • Each one who wishes begins to share how the Word has touched them.
  • This is not a moment for discourses nor debates.  It is a personal sharing.  It is important for the one who shares to use the personal pronoun “I”, not, “we must do this…” etc!
  • The others listen empathetically, and with openness. God continues to speak to me through the other person.  I should not be thinking of what am I going to say next!
  • No one should feel obliged to share!

f. Living the Word

  • Having heard what God says, through the text and through one another, we discuss together now on what is God challenging us to do.  What action does the Word urge us to do individually and as a group?
  • This could be a discussion phase where each one tries to come up with proposals for living the Word, in concrete ways.  Even those who did not share in the previous step may come up with something.
  • It is better not to debate about anything.

g. Praying the Word

  • Now it is time to make spontaneous prayers – praying for others, praying for ourselves, so that we may be able to put into practice the Word we have heard.
  • These prayers may be replaced by some hymns.
  • The prayers are concluded by holding each others’ hands, and praying “the Our Father” together. Sing a final hymn.